A wrapper of the Datawrapper python client, whence datawrapper squared
pytest -s tests tests/test_client.py --token <your-datawrapper-token>
pytest -s tests tests/test_transform.py
Provide a mapping config file as a .yaml
chart_type : "seasonal"
title: "chart-seasonal"
source: "Source"
notes: "A Note in the bottom"
height: 600
width: 600
freq_graph: 'W'
unfold: True
aggregation_freq_graph: 'mean'
interpolation: 'linear'
cutoff_year: 2020
prefix_unit: "USD"
display_today: true
graph_start: (date "2015-1-1")
graph_end: null
series_id: "my series"
legend: "a legend"
start: (deltayears (today) -10)
end: null
revision: null
chart_type : "line"
title: "chart-line"
source: "source"
notes: null
height: 400
width: 600
prefix_unit: "USD"
series_id: "series1"
legend: "hello"
start: (deltamonths (yearstart (today)) -2)
end: (yearend (today))
revision: null
series_id: "series2"
legend: "hello2"
start: (deltamonths (yearstart (today)) -2)
end: (yearend (today))
revision: null
chart_type : "line"
title: "chart-line"
source: "source"
notes: null
height: 400
width: 600
today_line: False
secondary: True
secondary_unit: 'USD per onces'
prefix_unit: "GBP per ton"
series_id: "series1"
legend: "hello"
start: (deltamonths (yearstart (today)) -2)
end: (yearend (today))
revision: null
series_id: "series2"
legend: "hello2"
start: (deltamonths (yearstart (today)) -2)
end: (yearend (today))
revision: null