This is a wrapper lambda for the Snyk SCM refresh python tool which cleans up the Snyk projects after a successful scan.
The Snyk SCM tool keeps Snyk projects in sync with their associated Github repos.
For repos with at least 1 project already in Snyk:
- Detect and import new manifests
- Remove projects for manifests that no longer exist
- Update projects when a repo has been renamed
- Detect and update default branch change (not renaming)
- Enable Snyk Code analysis for repos
- Detect deleted repos and log for review
- Python 3.9 (the Snyk SCM tool does not work with Python 3.10)
yarn deploy:dev
# First: Log into your AWS account for the appropriate environment
# Second: invoke using the desired payload, ensure github_enterprise_token, one can add extra params like repo_name, org_id for
aws --region us-east-2 lambda invoke \
--function-name lfx-security-snyk-scm-refresh \
--cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
--payload '{"github_enterprise_token":"XXXX","repo_name":"easycla...","org_id":"org"}' \
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