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Lit Wrapper SDK

Using Lit Network has never been easier before
An Ethereum private key is used to send requests to the Lit Network. Fund your wallet with a faucet on Lit's custom rollup chain.


npm install lit-wrapper-sdk

Generates a Solana key and sends a prompt to the Solana-agent-kit (This kit runs inside Lit's TEE)

async function executeSolanaAgentKit() {
    const response = await litWrapper.createSolanaWK(ETHEREUM_PRIVATE_KEY);
    const agentKitResponse = await litWrapper.executeSolanaAgentKit({
        userPrivateKey: ETHEREUM_PRIVATE_KEY,
        MESSAGE: "What is my sol balance?",
        RPC_URL: "",
        OPENAI_API_KEY: process.env.OPEN_AI_API_KEY!,
        pkp: response?.pkpInfo!,
        wk: response?.wkInfo!,

Checks against a conditional logic and only creates signatures for a specified transaction when the condition is satisfies

async function createLitActionAndSignSolanaTxn() {
    const response = await litWrapper.createSolanaWK(ETHEREUM_PRIVATE_KEY);
    console.log("Solana Public Key", response?.wkInfo.generatedPublicKey);

    const conditionLogic = `
    const url = ",80/forecast";
    const resp = await fetch(url).then((response) => response.json());
    const temp =[0].temperature;


    // only sign if the temperature is below 60
    if (temp < 60) {

    const txn = await litWrapper.createSerializedLitTxn({
        wk: response?.wkInfo,
        toAddress: "BTBPKRJQv7mn2kxBBJUpzh3wKN567ZLdXDWcxXFQ4KaV",
        amount: 0.004 * Math.pow(10, 9),
        network: "mainnet-beta",
        flag: FlagForLitTxn.SOL,

    const checkResult = await litWrapper.conditionalSigningOnSolana({
        userPrivateKey: ETHEREUM_PRIVATE_KEY,
        litTransaction: txn,
        broadcastTransaction: true,
        wk: response?.wkInfo,
        pkp: response?.pkpInfo,

API/Method References

LitWrapper Class


constructor(litNetwork: LIT_NETWORKS_KEYS)
  • Initializes a new instance of the LitWrapper class.
  • Parameters:
    • litNetwork: The Lit network key.

Auth Methods

async checkPermits(pkpTokenId: string): Promise<{ actions: any[], authMethods: any[], addresses: any[] }>
  • Checks the permits of a PKP.
  • Parameters:
    • pkpTokenId: The PKP token ID.
  • Returns: An object containing the permitted actions, auth methods, and addresses.
async addAuthAddress(userPrivateKey: string, pkpTokenId: string, ethAddress: string): Promise<any>
  • Adds an authorized address to a PKP.
  • Parameters:
    • userPrivateKey: The user's private key.
    • pkpTokenId: The PKP token ID.
    • ethAddress: The Ethereum address to authorize.
  • Returns: The response from the Lit network.
async removeAuthAddress(userPrivateKey: string, pkpTokenId: string, ethAddress: string): Promise<any>
  • Adds an authorized address to a PKP.
  • Parameters:
    • userPrivateKey: The user's private key.
    • pkpTokenId: The PKP token ID.
    • ethAddress: The Ethereum address to authorize.
  • Returns: The response from the Lit network.
async addPermittedAction(params: AddPermittedActionParams): Promise<{ ipfsCID: string, response: any }>
  • Adds a permitted action to a PKP.
  • Parameters:
    • params: An object containing userPrivateKey, pkpTokenId, litActionCode, and pinataAPIKey.
  • Returns: An object containing the IPFS CID and the response.
async removePermittedAction(params: RemovePermittedActionParams): Promise<{ ipfsCID: string, response: any }>
  • Adds a permitted action to a PKP.
  • Parameters:
    • params: An object containing userPrivateKey, pkpTokenId, litActionCode, and pinataAPIKey.
  • Returns: An object containing the IPFS CID and the response.

Solana Methods

async createSolanaWK(userPrivateKey: string): Promise<{ pkpInfo: PKP, wkInfo: WK }>
  • Creates a Solana Wrapped Key (WK).
  • Parameters:
    • userPrivateKey: The user's private key.
  • Returns: An object containing the PKP and WK information.
async getConditionalLitAction(conditionalLogic: string): Promise<string>
  • Gets a conditional Lit action.
  • Parameters:
    • conditionalLogic: The conditional logic.
  • Returns: The conditional Lit action.
async conditionalSigningOnSolana(params: ConditionalSigningOnSolanaParams): Promise<any>
  • Performs conditional signing on Solana.
  • Parameters:
    • params: An object containing userPrivateKey, litTransaction, broadcastTransaction, conditionalLogic, pkp, wk, and params.
  • Returns: The result of the conditional signing.
async executeCustomActionOnSolana(params: ExecuteCustomActionOnSolanaParams): Promise<any>
  • Executes a custom action on Solana.
  • Parameters:
    • params: An object containing userPrivateKey, litActionCode, pkp, wk, and params.
  • Returns: The result of the executed action.
async executeSolanaAgentKit(params: ExecuteSolanaAgentKitParams): Promise<any>
  • Executes the Solana Agent Kit.
  • Parameters:
    • params: An object containing userPrivateKey, MESSAGE, RPC_URL, OPENAI_API_KEY, pkp, and wk.
  • Returns: The result of the executed action.
async sendSolanaWKTxnWithSol(params: SendSolanaWKTxnWithSolParams): Promise<any>
  • Sends a Solana WK transaction with SOL.
  • Parameters:
    • params: An object containing amount, toAddress, network, broadcastTransaction, userPrivateKey, wk, and pkp.
  • Returns: The signed transaction.
async sendSolanaWKTxnWithCustomToken(params: SendSolanaWKTxnWithCustomTokenParams): Promise<any>
  • Sends a Solana WK transaction with a custom token.
  • Parameters:
    • params: An object containing tokenMintAddress, amount, toAddress, network, broadcastTransaction, userPrivateKey, wk, and pkp.
  • Returns: The signed transaction.
async createSerializedLitTxn(params: CreateSerializedLitTxnParams): Promise<any>
  • Creates a serialized Lit transaction.
  • Parameters:
    • params: An object containing toAddress, amount, network, flag, tokenMintAddress, and wk.
  • Returns: The serialized transaction.

Util Methods

async createPKP(userPrivateKey: string): Promise<PKP | undefined>
  • Creates a PKP (Programmable Key Pair).
  • Parameters:
    • userPrivateKey: The user's private key.
  • Returns: The created PKP.
async createPKPWithLitAction(params: CreatePKPWithLitActionParams): Promise<{ pkp: PKP, ipfsCID: string }>
  • Creates a PKP and adds a permitted action.
  • Parameters:
    • params: An object containing userPrivateKey, litActionCode, and pinataAPIKey.
  • Returns: An object containing the created PKP and the IPFS CID.
async createPKPSessionSigs(userPrivateKey: string, pkpPublicKey: string): Promise<any>
  • Creates session signatures for a PKP.
  • Parameters:
    • userPrivateKey: The user's private key.
    • pkpPublicKey: The PKP public key.
  • Returns: The session signatures.
async getSessionSigs(userPrivateKey: string, pkpPublicKey: string, type: string): Promise<any>
  • Gets session signatures.
  • Parameters:
    • userPrivateKey: The user's private key.
    • pkpPublicKey: The PKP public key.
    • type: The type of session.
  • Returns: The session signatures.
async executeLitAction(params: ExecuteLitActionParams): Promise<any>
  • Executes a Lit action.
  • Parameters:
    • params: An object containing userPrivateKey, pkpPublicKey, litActionIpfsCid, litActionCode, and params.
  • Returns: The result of the executed action.
async getDecipheringDetails(params: GetDecipheringDetailsParams): Promise<{ ciphertext: string, dataToEncryptHash: string }>
  • Gets deciphering details.
  • Parameters:
    • params: An object containing userPrivateKey, pkp, and wk.
  • Returns: An object containing the ciphertext and data to encrypt the hash.
async uploadViaPinata(params: UploadViaPinataParams): Promise<string>
  • Uploads a file to Pinata.
  • Parameters:
    • params: An object containing pinataAPIKey and litActionCode.
  • Returns: The IPFS hash of the uploaded file.

LitTester Class


constructor(userPrivateKey: string, litNetwork: LIT_NETWORKS_KEYS)
  • Initializes a new instance of the LitTester class.
  • Parameters:
    • userPrivateKey: The user's private key.
    • litNetwork: The Lit network key.


static async init(userPrivateKey: string, litNetwork: LIT_NETWORKS_KEYS): Promise<LitTester>
  • Initializes a new instance of the LitTester class and initializes the PKP.
  • Parameters:
    • userPrivateKey: The user's private key.
    • litNetwork: The Lit network key.
  • Returns: The initialized LitTester instance.
async initializePKP(): Promise<void>
  • Initializes the PKP.
  • Returns: Nothing.
async testLitAction(params: TestLitActionParams): Promise<any>
  • Tests a Lit action.
  • Parameters:
    • params: An object containing litActionCode and params.
  • Returns: The result of the tested action.



enum FlagForLitTxn {
  • Enum for flags used in Lit transactions.
  • Values:
    • SOL: Indicates a SOL transaction.
    • CUSTOM: Indicates a custom token transaction.



interface PKP {
    tokenId: string;
    publicKey: string;
    ethAddress: string;
  • Interface for a PKP (Programmable Key Pair).


interface WK {
    pkpAddress: string;
    id: string;
    generatedPublicKey: string;
  • Interface for a Wrapped Key (WK).


interface AddPermittedActionParams {
    userPrivateKey: string;
    pkpTokenId: string;
    litActionCode: string;
    pinataAPIKey: string;
  • Interface for parameters used in adding a permitted action.


interface UploadViaPinataParams {
    pinataAPIKey: string;
    litActionCode: string;
  • Interface for parameters used in uploading via Pinata.


interface GetDecipheringDetailsParams {
    userPrivateKey: string;
    pkp: PKP;
    wk: WK;
  • Interface for parameters used in deciphering details.


interface CreatePKPWithLitActionParams {
    userPrivateKey: string;
    litActionCode: string;
    pinataAPIKey: string;
  • Interface for parameters used in creating a PKP with a Lit action.


interface ExecuteLitActionParams {
    userPrivateKey: string;
    pkpPublicKey: string;
    litActionIpfsCid?: string;
    litActionCode?: string;
    params?: Object;
  • Interface for parameters used in executing a Lit action.


interface ConditionalSigningOnSolanaParams {
    userPrivateKey: string;
    litTransaction: any;
    broadcastTransaction: boolean;
    conditionalLogic: string;
    pkp?: PKP;
    wk?: WK;
    params?: Object;
  • Interface for parameters used in conditional signing on Solana.


interface ExecuteCustomActionOnSolanaParams {
    userPrivateKey: string;
    litActionCode: string;
    pkp?: PKP;
    wk?: WK;
    params?: Object;
  • Interface for parameters used in executing a custom action on Solana.


interface ExecuteSolanaAgentKitParams {
    userPrivateKey: string;
    MESSAGE: string;
    RPC_URL: string;
    OPENAI_API_KEY: string;
    pkp?: PKP;
    wk?: WK;
  • Interface for parameters used in executing the Solana Agent Kit.


interface CreateSerializedLitTxnParams {
    toAddress: string;
    amount: number;
    network: Cluster;
    flag: FlagForLitTxn;
    tokenMintAddress?: string;
    wk?: WK;
  • Interface for parameters used in creating a serialized Lit transaction.


interface SendSolanaWKTxnWithSolParams {
    amount: number;
    toAddress: string;
    network: Cluster;
    broadcastTransaction: boolean;
    userPrivateKey: string;
    wk?: WK;
    pkp?: PKP;
  • Interface for parameters used in sending a Solana WK transaction with SOL.


interface SendSolanaWKTxnWithCustomTokenParams {
    tokenMintAddress: string;
    amount: number;
    toAddress: string;
    network: Cluster;
    broadcastTransaction: boolean;
    userPrivateKey: string;
    wk?: WK;
    pkp?: PKP;
  • Interface for parameters used in sending a Solana WK transaction with a custom token.


interface TestLitActionParams {
    litActionCode: string;
    params: Object;
  • Interface for parameters used in testing a Lit action.


1) Creating a Key on Solana and Sending Transaction

Using Lit to create a Solana Key and send a Txn with it, an Ethereum private key is used as an auth method for generating signatures with a newly created Solana Key.

import { LitWrapper } from "lit-wrapper-sdk";
import "dotenv/config";

const litWrapper = new LitWrapper("datil-dev")

async function generateSolanaWallet() {
    const res = await litWrapper.createSolanaWK(ETHEREUM_PRIVATE_KEY);
    console.log("Solana Public Key", res.wkInfo.generatedPublicKey);

async function sendSolTxn() {
    const signedTx = await litWrapper.sendSolanaWKTxnWithSol({
        amount: 0.0022 * Math.pow(10, 9),
        toAddress: "BTBPKRJQv7mn2kxBBJUpzh3wKN567ZLdXDWcxXFQ4KaV",
        network: "mainnet-beta",
        broadcastTransaction: true,
        userPrivateKey: ETHEREUM_PRIVATE_KEY,
        wkResponse: res.wkInfo,
        pkp: res.pkpInfo,
    console.log("Transaction Hash: ", signedTx);

async function sendBONKTxn() {
    const signedTx = await litWrapper.sendSolanaWKTxnWithCustomToken({
        tokenMintAddress: "DezXAZ8z7PnrnRJjz3wXBoRgixCa6xjnB7YaB1pPB263", // BONK MINT TOKEN
        amount: 4 * Math.pow(10, 5),
        toAddress: "BTBPKRJQv7mn2kxBBJUpzh3wKN567ZLdXDWcxXFQ4KaV",
        network: "mainnet-beta",
        broadcastTransaction: true,
        userPrivateKey: ETHEREUM_PRIVATE_KEY,
        wkResponse: res.wkInfo,
        pkp: res.pkpInfo,
    console.log("Transaction Hash: ", signedTx);

2) Creating Conditional Signing on Solana

Checks against a conditional logic and only creates signatures for a specified transaction when the condition is satisfies

async function createLitActionAndSignSolanaTxn() {
    const response = await litWrapper.createSolanaWK(ETHEREUM_PRIVATE_KEY);
    console.log("Solana Public Key", response?.wkInfo.generatedPublicKey);

    const conditionLogic = `
    const url = ",80/forecast";
    const resp = await fetch(url).then((response) => response.json());
    const temp =[0].temperature;


    // only sign if the temperature is below 60
    if (temp < 60) {

    const txn = await litWrapper.createSerializedLitTxn({
        wk: response?.wkInfo,
        toAddress: "BTBPKRJQv7mn2kxBBJUpzh3wKN567ZLdXDWcxXFQ4KaV",
        amount: 0.004 * Math.pow(10, 9),
        network: "mainnet-beta",
        flag: FlagForLitTxn.SOL,

    const checkResult = await litWrapper.conditionalSigningOnSolana({
        userPrivateKey: ETHEREUM_PRIVATE_KEY,
        litTransaction: txn,
        broadcastTransaction: true,
        wk: response?.wkInfo,
        pkp: response?.pkpInfo,

3) Executing Custom AI Powered Lit Actions

async function executeCustomLitAction() {
    const response = await litWrapper.createSolanaWK(ETHEREUM_PRIVATE_KEY);
    const litActionCode = `
    const go = async () => {
        try {
            const callAI = await LitActions.runOnce({ 
                waitForResponse: true, name: "Lit Actions Test" },
                async () => {
                    const messages = [
                        { role: "system", content: "You are an AI assistant. Only answer with a single sentence." },
                    const response = await fetch(
                        method: "POST",
                        headers: {
                            "Content-Type": "application/json",
                            Authorization: \`Bearer \${apiKey}\`,
                        body: JSON.stringify({ model: "gpt -4o-mini", messages }),
                    const json = await response.json();
                    return json.choices[0].message;
            Lit.Actions.setResponse({ response: callAI });
        } catch (error) {
            Lit.Actions.setResponse({ response: error.message });
    }; go();`;

    const result = await litWrapper.executeCustomActionOnSolana({
        userPrivateKey: ETHEREUM_PRIVATE_KEY,
        pkp: response?.pkpInfo!,
        wk: response?.wkInfo!,
        params: {
            apiKey: process.env.OPEN_AI_API_KEY,

4) Creating a key on EVM and Executing a Lit Action

Create a key, Upload Lit Action to IPFS, Permit on IPFS and Execute the action.

import { LitWrapper } from "lit-wrapper-sdk";
import "dotenv/config";

const litWrapper = new LitWrapper("datil-dev");

async function createKeyAndExecuteAction() {
    const _litActionCode = async () => {
        try {
            const sigShare = await Lit.Actions.ethPersonalSignMessageEcdsa({
                message: dataToSign,
                publicKey: pkpPublicKey,
            Lit.Actions.setResponse({ response: sigShare });
        } catch (error) {
            Lit.Actions.setResponse({ response: error.message });
    const litActionCode = `(${_litActionCode.toString()})();`;

    const { pkp, ipfsCID } = await litWrapper.createPKPWithLitAction(

    const params = {
        dataToSign: ethers.utils.arrayify(
            ethers.utils.keccak256([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        sigName: "sig1",

    const response = litWrapper.executeLitAction(usePrivateKey, pkp, ipfsCID, params);

5) Testing a Lit Action

Instantly create a Lit Action and test its execution over Lit Network.

async function testAction() {
    if (!process.env.ETHEREUM_PRIVATE_KEY) {
        throw new Error("ETHEREUM_PRIVATE_KEY is not set");

    const _litActionCode = async () => {
        try {
            const sigShare = await Lit.Actions.ethPersonalSignMessageEcdsa({
                message: dataToSign,
                publicKey: pkpPublicKey,
            Lit.Actions.setResponse({ response: sigShare });
        } catch (error) {
            Lit.Actions.setResponse({ response: error.message });
    const litActionCode = `(${_litActionCode.toString()})();`;

    const tester = await LitTester.init(

    const params = [
            dataToSign: ethers.utils.arrayify(
                ethers.utils.keccak256([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
            sigName: "sig1",

    const results = await tester.testLitAction(litActionCode, params[0]);
    console.log("Test Results: ", results);


custom sdk wrapper for lit protocol






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