The scripts and data used to determine common air-sea states during MHWs along the coast of South Africa.
- The raw text of the paper may be found in "LaTeX/Schlegel_et_al.tex"
- The code used to calculate the MHWs and fit the SOM may be found in "2.Model_fitting.R"
- The code used to create the figures seen in the paper may be found in "3.Figures.R"
- The code used to create the tables seen in the paper may be found in "4.Tables.R"
- The code used to generate the specific values given in the text may be found in "5.Text.R"
- The "data" folder contains the processed data used in the analyses as well as the output of "2.Model_fitting.R"
- The "func" folder contains custom made functions used in the analyses
- The "graph" folder contains the files necessary to create maps as well as the output of "3.Figures.R"
- The "setupParams" folder contains the SACTN site list and analysis period data
- The "LaTeX" folder contains the files used to compile "/LaTeX/...", the body of the text
- The "old" folder contains scripts and data from previous versions of the analysis/ methodology
- All for loops removed from extreme event calculation work flow
- A for loop is still used to "grow" the SAWS data, allowing for it to be compared against each SACTN time series
- All possible extreme events combinations etc. have been calculated as per current agreement on methodology
- All for loops removed from the co-occurrence calculations
- Co-occurrence calculated for all combinations of SACTN and SAWS sites including tmean, tmin and tmax
- Corrected error in calculation of co-occurrence proportions
- Produced a medley of initial figures to visualise first round of results
- Removed for loop used to "grow" the SAWS data
- All extreme events re-calculated with same results
- Calculated extreme events for SAWS time series based on a static analysis period (1981 - 2010)
- Changed file naming convention for extreme event results to differentiate the results calculated with the static period
- Created function that calculates distance AND bearing between any two sites
- Calculated distance and bearing between all possible sites within and among datasets
- Improved co-occurrence workflow to allow for calculation of extreme events between AND within datasets
- Expanded results of co-occurrence analysis to also include the statistics of the co-occurring events
- No longer constraining co-occurrence rates by set periods of days
- Now the difference in days between the latest occurring events is recorded
- Calculated latest occurring events between AND within all sites AND datasets
- Added distance, bearing and coastal section metrics for compared sites
- Created a .Rmd file to explain the co-occurrence step of the work-flow
- Created figures for the largest (int_cum) heat wave and cold spell for each time series
- Explored relationships between SAWS and SACTN heat waves occurring within 7 and 2 days of one another
- A small bug was detected in the original SACTN data set
- Improved screening methods were implemented at the source to smooth this issue
- These improved methods were applied to the load step in this project as well
- All scripts were re-run with the newly screened data and all calculations/ figures compiled anew
- The final co-occurrence rates are ever so slightly higher than previously
- Fix issues in which missing SACTN values were saved as NaN instead of NA
- This had no effect on the calculations
- Wind data for Port Nolloth added to project
- Function created that can calculate mean daily wind vectors
- First draft of a figure that shows wind vectors with temperatures
- Worked out a couple of preliminary techniques for how best to visualise air, sea and wind data together during co-occurrence
- The preliminary round of air, sea, wind figures
- Updated exploratory analyses
- More work done with wind data
- Two new reports written up and knitted
- Script created to download BRAN data
- These data are saved in an external folder as they are to multitudinous for GitHub
- First steps taken for the creation of the LaTeX version of the manuscript
- Function created to load BRAN data into R in long format
- Additional text added to manuscript
- Function created to load ERA Interim data into R in long format
- First proof of concept figure for synoptic air-sea view during events created
- Reanalysis data processing pipeline improved
- Wind vectors visualised
- Summary data boxes added to synoptic air-sea figure
- Rough draft of introduction complete
- Outline of synoptic air-sea figure complete
- Calculation of daily climatologies for air-sea state
- The data frames are not stored here as they are too large
- Temperature anomalies added to synoptic figure
- Current and wind anomalies added
- Daily climatologies for girded reanalysis temperatures have now all been smoothed
- This allows for smoother temperature anomaly values to be calculated
- Cosmetic adjustments to synoptic figure
- Synoptic figure output now also saves the temp and uv values in a separate list for SOMs
- All synoptic figures created
- Proof of concept for SOMs
- SOM code automated
- Initial results visualised
- Seasonality added to output
- Individual SOMs run for each coastal section
- All functions created for SOM work flow moved to a separate script
- Alternative rescaling function for SOM results added
- Ran hierarchical cluster analysis for air-sea states during MHWs
- Began investigation into clustering of air-sea states for daily climatologies
- Hierarchical cluster analysis for air-sea state during daily climatologies
- First step towards running the three agreed upon cluster analyses on all data
- More work towards the cluster analyses
- More work towards the cluster analyses
- All variables that could affect the results of a clustering technique have been analysed
- Updates to cluster results code
- Now using principal component initialisation (PCI) rather than random initialisation (RI) for SOMs
- All SOM modelling in "LaTeX/cluster_results.Rmd" updated accordingly
- "LaTeX/cluster_results.Rmd" completed
- Additions to methods section
- Edits to intro and methods sections
- Additions to methods and results sections
- Began cleaning workflow for publication
- "1.Data_assembly.R" complete
- Removed data from GitHub not cleared for public access
- Began moving unused scripts and data to the "old" folder
- Began "2.Model_assembly.R"
- More files moved to "old" folder
- Re-created data packets for use with SOMs and synoptic figures
- Smoothing out Git push issues
- Complete documentation provided for all files
- More modeling, figures, and one table
- Additional intro, methods, and results edits
- References for clustering added to methods section
- More results written up
- Writing for results, discussion and conclusion added
- Table 2 modified
- Two new figures included
- Additional writing in manuscript
- Minor edits
- First draft complete
- First round of co-author edits
- More literature added in support of the introduction
- Additional co-author comments incorporated into text
- Code for Figure 1 added
- All comments for the Introduction section incorporated
- Progress made on methods section
- Comments for methods section wrapped up
- Phasing out BRAN in favour of AVISO and OISST
- Recalculated ERA daily clims based on new longer period
- Calculated OISST daily clims
- More phasing out of BRAN
- Calculated AVISO daily clims
- Analysis with new OISST+AVISO data complete
- New data packets created
- New synoptic atlas figures created
- New SOM figures created
- New colour palette used for SOM nodes
- SOM nodes described in the results
- Editing of results and discussion sections
- Calculated MDS and HCA with new data
- Created biplot and dendrogram
- Edits to figure 1
- Some edits to text
- More edits to text
- Notes on atmosphere
- Edits throughout texts
- Second draft ready for co-author revisions
- Figure tweaks
- Some few revisions from co-authors
- More text edits
- A few edits
- AJ's direct .tex edits
- Tweaks to most figures
- All coments on figures incorporated
- All coments not requiring re-writes incorporated
- All minor repetitive text changes made
- LaTeX file converted to Frontiers standard
- All final co-authors comments incorporated
- Several minor tweaks
- Manuscript ready for submission
- Created word document for abstract
- Created word document for cover letter
- Created the required 300dpi .tiff files for figures
- Most of round one reviewer comments addressed
- Several edits from AJ
- More reviewer comments addressed
- All reviewer comments addressed
- Manuscript re-submitted
- Minor tweaks for author proofs