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Sebastião Barros edited this page Mar 29, 2021 · 1 revision

Here you'll find a list of all the commands available.


  • <> parameter
  • @ mention user or role
  • # mention channel
  • :: emoji
  • ? optional
  • i infinite (sort of)

Bot reactions

  • 🔄 Update entry
  • 🇵 Publish code
  • Delete entry
  • 🇶 Quit
  • 👍 Yes
  • 👎 No


The set command is responsible for changing or saving data.

set <channel|roles|trusted|developer>
  • channel Set channel to a specific type. set channel <type> ?<#channel>
  • role Set role with custom emoji. set role <type> <@role> <:custom_emoji:>
  • trusted Set trusted user. set trusted <@user>
  • developer Set user as developer. set developer <@user>


The remove command is responsible for deleting data. It's basically the same as set but removes data instead.


The code command is responsible for saving codes to the database.

code <code> ?(<"Expiration Date"> i(<:reward:> <amount>))

If only code <code> is sent, the bot thinks you want to publish an already existing code. Else tries to save the code and asks if you want to publish it to every server and notify every user.

Example: code d14m0nd5 "2021/02/27 23:59:59 UTC" :diamonds: 300 :gold: 300K :scroll: 30


The user command is responsible for saving user info to the database.



The redeem command is responsible for redeeming codes for users.

redeem i<code>

In order to be able to use redeem, one must have set up their user.


The purge command is responsible for deleting discord messages.

redeem <amount|all>

Using redeem all will clone the channel and delete the original one. This way channel permissions are kept.

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