Data Serializer and Deserializer.
npm install lzo-bjson OR yarn add lzo-bjson
import { Bjson } from 'lzo-bjson';
const bjson = new Bjson({});
const obj = bjson.stringify({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 });
const arr = bjson.stringify([1, 2, 3]);
const int = bjson.stringify(2023);
const bol = bjson.stringify(true);
const str = bjson.stringify('John Doe');
console.log(bjson.parse(obj), typeof bjson.parse(obj)); // { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 } object
console.log(bjson.parse(arr), typeof bjson.parse(arr)); // [1, 2, 3] object
console.log(bjson.parse(int), typeof bjson.parse(int)); // 2023 number
console.log(bjson.parse(bol), typeof bjson.parse(bol)); // true boolean
console.log(bjson.parse(str), typeof bjson.parse(str)); // John Doe string
import { bjson } from 'lzo-bjson';
class Person {
constructor(private name: string) {}
public getName() {
public setName(name: string) { = name;
const bjson = new Bjson({
const person = new Person('John Doe');
const compressed = bjson.stringify(person); // Uint8Array
const decompressed = bjson.parse(compressed); // Person
console.log(decompressed.getName()); // John Doe
// ! Maintains class integrity
decompressed.setName('Jane Doe');
const compressed2 = bjson.stringify(decompressed); // Uint8Array
const decompressed2 = bjson.parse(compressed2); // Person
console.log(decompressed2.getName()); // Jane Doe
import { bjson } from 'lzo-bjson';
class Person {
constructor(protected name: string) {}
public getName() {
public setName(name: string) { = name;
class Hero extends Person {
constructor(protected name: string, protected power: string) {
public getPower() {
return this.power;
const bjson = new Bjson({
const person = new Hero('John Doe', 'Super Strength');
const compressed = bjson.stringify(person); // Uint8Array
const decompressed = bjson.parse<Hero>(compressed); // Person
console.log(decompressed.getName()); // John Doe
console.log(decompressed.getPower()); // Super Strength
Bjson.getMaxDepth(): number
Get the maximum depth of the object
Bjson.makeDeepCopy<T>(object: T): T
Make a deep copy of the object
Bjson.stringify<T>(value: T): Uint8Array
Stringify the object to Uint8Array
Bjson.parse<T>(json: Uint8Array): T
Parse the Uint8Array to object maintaining the prototype chain
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