Data Encryption and Decryption.
npm install lzo-crypto OR yarn add lzo-crypto
The default strategy is
File System
, if you want to useRedis
you must call methodCrypto.setStrategy('REDIS')
Please input the credentials of your Redis server in the .env
See the example in the
import { Crypto } from 'lzo-crypto';
const encrypted = await crypto.encrypt(
'I have always feed my dog the dog food that comes in the big green bag.',
const decrypted = await crypto.decrypt(encrypted);
console.log(encrypted); // 77b3e7c6e42c057dac9809ac3513b519026af5e6cfb33dbb6
console.log(decrypted); // I have always feed my dog the dog food that comes in the big green bag.
Crypto.setStrategy(strategy: Strategy): void
Define the strategy to use for storage and retrieval of the IV and tag
Crypto.encrypt(txt: string, password?: string): Promise<string>
It encrypts a string using a password and saves the encrypted string, the initialization vector, and the authentication tag to the database
Crypto.decrypt(encrypted: string, password?: string, del?: boolean): Promise<string>
It decrypts the encrypted string using the password and the IV and the tag
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