A desktop automation project with voice assistant support.
For a complete report on Jexi, follow this document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16mDcuC6_itjg1_lE3AypzI8F12A_Ymi717PFZwu2nKU/edit?usp=sharing
- Set energy threshold values to determine when to start/stop recording
- Record audio from an audio source (usually system's microphone)
- Send this audio clip to the Google Speech Recognition API which return a text
- Verify if this text corresponds to any pre-defined executable command
- If yes, execute the corresponding command. Else, do nothing.
- Repeat steps 2-6.
- You need to have python 3 installed on your system.
- Clone/Download this repository to your local machine.
- Download the required packages by running the " pip install -r requirements.txt " command in the terminal at the location where you clone/download this repository.
- Voila! You are done.
- Simply run the python script "main.py" in the terminal.
- You are ready to use it now!
- Optional: Check the dictionary (hashmap) at the beginning of the file to get to know the commands that Jexi currently supports.
- Optional: For Video demo, check out this drive folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZT2Sg4BZ8A212ORlAgedqnDRmzWH8npd?usp=sharing