Library for the Adafruit VC0706 camera used on Legato devices.
The majority of this code is ported from Adafruit's Adafruit-VC0706-Serial-Camera-Library repository with some C/Legato specific changes.
This is a library for the Adafruit TTL JPEG Camera (VC0706 chipset)
Pick one up today in the adafruit shop! ------>
These displays use Serial to communicate, 2 pins are required to interface
Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products from Adafruit!
Original code written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries. BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution
Thks to
Released on November 30, 2018
I wasn't able to use it, so I rewrite it Note : Your camera must be configured in 115200 to work, you can do it with this tool
Released on February 9, 2018
View the full details here here
Next release will likely include some performance improvements by reading more data on each call to read()
Released on December 27, 2017
View the full details here here
Released on December 16, 2017
View the full details here here
#include "legato.h"
#include "interfaces.h"
#include "camera.h"
#define RETRY_WAIT_SEC 60
bool takePhoto (Camera *cam, char *dirPath) {
cam->fd = fd_openCam();
bool resetSucess = cam_reset(cam);
LE_INFO("Camera reset %s", resetSucess ? "succeeded" : "failed");
LE_DEBUG("Taking photo...");
bool snapshotSuccess = cam_snapshotToFile(cam, dirPath, VC0706_640x480);
LE_INFO("Snapshot %s", snapshotSuccess ? "succeeded" : "failed");
return resetSucess && snapshotSuccess;
void photoLoop (Camera *cam, int intervalMintues, char *dirPath) {
LE_INFO("Taking photos every %d minutes and storing them in %s", intervalMintues, dirPath);
while (true) {
bool success = takePhoto(cam, dirPath);
int sleepDur = success ? intervalMintues * 60 : RETRY_WAIT_SEC;
if (success) LE_INFO("Taking next photo in %d minutes", intervalMintues);
else LE_INFO("Retrying after %d seconds", RETRY_WAIT_SEC);
Camera cam = {
.serialNum = 0x00,
.bufferLen = 0,
.frameptr = 0,
photoLoop(&cam, 10, "/home/root/sd");
// File stream functions for reading photos
LE_SHARED bool cam_snapshotToFile (Camera *cam, const char *path, uint8_t imgSize, char *imgPath);
bool cam_readImageToFile (Camera *cam, const char *path, char *imgPath);
bool cam_readImageBlocks (Camera *cam, FILE *filePtr);
uint8_t cam_getImageBlockSize (int jpgLen);
// Higher level commands
LE_SHARED bool cam_setPTZ (Camera *cam, uint16_t wz, uint16_t hz, uint16_t pan, uint16_t tilt);
LE_SHARED bool cam_getPTZ (Camera *cam, uint16_t *w, uint16_t *h, uint16_t *wz, uint16_t *hz, uint16_t *pan, uint16_t *tilt);
LE_SHARED bool cam_setCompression (Camera *cam, uint8_t c);
LE_SHARED uint8_t cam_getCompression (Camera *cam);
LE_SHARED bool cam_setMotionStatus (Camera *cam, uint8_t x, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2);
LE_SHARED bool cam_setMotionDetect (Camera *cam, bool flag);
LE_SHARED bool cam_motionDetected (Camera *cam);
LE_SHARED uint8_t cam_getMotionStatus (Camera *cam, uint8_t x);
LE_SHARED bool cam_getMotionDetect (Camera *cam);
LE_SHARED bool cam_setImageSize (Camera *cam,uint8_t x);
LE_SHARED uint8_t cam_getImageSize (Camera *cam);
LE_SHARED bool cam_setDownsize (Camera *cam, uint8_t newSize);
LE_SHARED uint8_t cam_getDownsize (Camera *cam);
LE_SHARED uint8_t cam_available (Camera *cam);
LE_SHARED char *cam_getVersion (Camera *cam);
LE_SHARED uint32_t cam_frameLength (Camera *cam);
LE_SHARED bool cam_resumeVideo (Camera *cam);
LE_SHARED uint8_t *cam_readPicture (Camera *cam, uint8_t n);
LE_SHARED bool cam_tvOff (Camera *cam);
LE_SHARED bool cam_tvOn(Camera *cam);
LE_SHARED bool cam_reset(Camera *cam);
LE_SHARED bool cam_takePicture(Camera *cam);
LE_SHARED bool cam_frameBuffCtrl(Camera *cam, uint8_t cmd);
// Low level camera commands
bool cam_runCommandFlush (Camera *cam, uint8_t cmd, uint8_t args[], uint8_t nArgs, uint8_t respLen);
bool cam_verifyResponse (Camera *cam, uint8_t cmd);
uint8_t cam_readResponse (Camera *cam, uint8_t nBytes, uint8_t timeout);
bool cam_runCommand (Camera *cam, uint8_t cmd, uint8_t args[], uint8_t nArgs, uint8_t respLen, bool flushFlag);
void cam_sendCommand (Camera *cam, uint8_t cmd, uint8_t args[], uint8_t nArgs);
// Serial/file descriptor helpers
int fd_dataAvail (int fd, int *data);
ssize_t fd_getByte (int fd, uint8_t *data);
LE_SHARED int fd_closeCam (int fd);
LE_SHARED int fd_openCam ();
int fd_openSerial (const char *device, int baud);
speed_t fd_convertBaud (int baud);
typedef struct {
int fd; // file descriptor for the serial port
uint8_t serialNum; // camera serial number
uint8_t buff[BUFF_SIZE]; // uint8_t array to store camera data
uint8_t bufferLen; // current length of data in buffer
uint16_t frameptr;
} Camera;
This code is highly decoupled from Legato with the exception of LE_INFO
log statements. In future releases this could be made more portable with pre-processor directives to redefine these macros.