This is a collection of scripts for setting up my personal development environment. It's meant to get a new environment completely configured as fast as possible on a clean install of macOS.
After running through the installation scripts and instructions, you'll have an environment configured with the following tools.
- Homebrew: The de facto package manager for macOS.
- Git: Everyone's favorite distributed version control system.
- Neovim: The world's best text editor. My Neovim configuration includes AstroNvim, a "distribution", as well as a ton of customization.
- tmux: A utility that allows you to run multiple windows inside one terminal.
In addition, these dotfiles install a ton of small, useful utilities command-line utilities and system applications, which can be viewed in the Brewfile.
Before anything else, install any pending system updates.
softwareupdate -ia
Then, install the Xcode's CLI tools and accept the license.
xcode-select --install
sudo xcodebuild -license accept
First, clone this repo.
git clone $HOME/.dotfiles
Next, you'll want to run each of the following scripts in-order. Over the years, I've found that something usually breaks every year or two, so it's best to run them individually and debug anything that pops up.
In order to connect with GitHub, you'll need to generate an SSH key. Follow the instructions on GitHub.