BackstopJS Demo is brought to you by your friends at Last Call Media, it is a demo into how to use BackstopJS Visual Regression Testing in many different ways.
- Docker can be ran separately from Lando
- BackstopJS install
npm install -g backstopjs
- Make sure to install Lando
- Clone the repository
- Run the following command
lando start
lando composer install
lando db-import drupal8.2020-03-12-1584018477.sql.gz
- To import the database- Open the and add the files folder to the following directory
- If you need the URL use either of the following commands:
lando info
(This will give you info about the container)lando rebuild
(This will rebuild lando this should always be used if any changes to lando.yml are made.)
- Homepage should appear if you need to login
lando drush uli
to get a login - If you need cache rebuild
lando drush cr
You want to use backstop-docker
in current project. Copy the directory into your repository and follow these instruction. and use this part of the lando.yml file.
$ backstop-docker:
$ type: node:custom
$ overrides:
$ image: backstopjs/backstopjs:4.4.2
$ backstop-docker:
$ service: backstop-docker
$ description: Runs "lando backstop-docker" to use backstop with docker
$ cmd: "backstop --config=backstop-docker/backstop.js"
You want to use backstop-docker
in current project. Copy the directory into your repository and follow these instruction. and add local environment to the environment.json. Add the following to docker-compose.yml.
$ backstop:
$ image: "backstopjs/backstopjs:4.4.2"
$ environment:
$ BASE_URL: "http://drupal:80"
$ volumes:
$ - ./backstop:/src
$ shm_size: 1gb
$ entrypoint: [backstop, --config=/src/backstop.js]
Note the command will change a bit when only using BackstopJS with Docker instead of lando backstop-docker
use docker-compose run backstop
You want to use BackstopJS with NPM here is example and documentation on how to run the BackstopJS this way.
To use this just simply update the following files if needed:
- This will include any environments you want to run BackstopJS against such as Production, Stage/Test, or Dev. Local is setup to run with lando.yml within the backstop.js. If you are not using Lando you can add local to the environment.json file
includes all pages that will be used to test with BackstopJS.{"label": "Namepage", "url": "/en/contact"}
You can include selectors in this file as well. The
can be used to pick a region or section of the page. The".class"
is div class to pick in the page and the"document"
will take a screen capture of the whole page as well.{"label": "NameFeedback", "url": "/node/1234", "backstopSelectors": [ ".class", "document" ] },
Once these files have been updated go to the following documentation to see the commands you can use to run to compare pages.
To add BackstopJS to the CircleCI 2.0 make sure to change the backstopjs here "report": ["browser", "CI"],
. Add the "CI"
to the report section.
type: string
working_directory: /home/circleci/code
# Need to use docker image for these steps.
- image: circleci/python:2.7.14
- checkout
- setup_remote_docker
- run: docker-compose up --no-start backstop
- run: docker cp ./backstop/. "$(docker-compose ps -q backstop)":/src/
- run: docker-compose run backstop reference --target=prod
- run: docker-compose run backstop test --target=test
- run:
command: docker cp "$(docker-compose ps -q backstop)":/src/. ./backstop/
when: always
- store_test_results:
path: /home/circleci/code/backstop/report
- store_artifacts:
path: /home/circleci/code/backstop
If you update the lando.yml file and you have trouble bring the backstop-docker container back up. Lando does not remove old containers so the following needs to be done:
$ docker stop backstopjs_backstop_1
$ docker rm backstopjs_backstop_1
$ lando start
BackstopJS was created and is maintained by Garris Shipon