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Udmilla is a small bot for WhatsApp made with whatsapp-web.js library using Typescript.


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Udmilla is a small bot for WhatsApp made with whatsapp-web.js library using Typescript.

A hot-swap mode is available for development purposes, allowing new commands to be written and tested without restarting the server.

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Quick Start

Node v12+ is required.

1. Clone repository

git clone

2. Install packages

npm i

3. Build and log in WhatsApp Web

npm run build
npm start

Scan the QR code.

4. Done

Start playing!


You can change the command prefix "." and other configurations in /config/commands.json.

Create command

Go to /src/modules/commands/ and open commandsList.ts.

To create a command you need to use the createCommand function.

createCommand(['alias'], {
        // Command options (Optional)
        options: { /* ... */ },

        // Command info (Optional, but recommended)
        info: { /* ... */ },
    // Command callback
    .setCallback((args, message) => {
        console.log('Number: ', args[0]);
.closeCommand(); // Add command to list

It's very important not to forget to add ".closeCommand()" at the end, otherwise the command will not be recognised by the bot.

Command alias:

Names by which the command can be invoked

createCommand(['ping', 'pingpong', 'p']) /* etc... */

Command callback:

When a command is invoked, this function is called. You can read the arguments passed by the user using the "args" variable, and use the "message" object to interact with the chat.

    // Receive argument of type string
    // Command execution
    .setCallback(async (args, message) => {
        if (args[0] === 'Hi') {
            // Send "Hello!"
            await sendResponse('Hello!', message);
        } else {
            // Send "Bye!"
            await sendResponse('Bye!', message);
.closeCommand(); // Add command to list

Send Response

I recommend using await for sendResponse as in the example, this will make the command stop executing once the message has been sent.

Command Data:

    options: {
        // If true, command can only be executed by admin
        adminOnly: boolean,

        // The command must be or not a quoted message
        needQuotedMessage: boolean,

        // If the command has a string type parameter, this overrides the need for quotes for multiple lines of text
        disableQuotationMarks: boolean

    // This information will be used by the "help" command to describe the command itself.
    info: {
        name: string,           // Command name
        description: string,    // What it does

Command Parameters:

addParameter(ParameterType, ParameterInfo?, defaultValue?);

Parameter Type:

type ParameterType = 'string' | 'number' | 'boolean' | 'any';

Parameter info:

This information will be used by the "help" command to describe the parameter.

    name: string,           // Parameter name
    description: string,    // What it does
    example: string         // Value used in the example 

Parameter default value:

If the parameter is an optional argument, set its default value here. Otherwise, undefined should do the trick.


    .addParameter('string', {
        name: 'Argument',
        description: 'Parameter 1 description',
        example: 'Lorem ipsum dolor',
    // You should always put optional parameters at the end, such as the following.
    // Otherwise it may cause problems.
    .addParameter('number', {
        name: 'Optional Argument',
        description: 'Parameter 2 description',
        example: '123',
    }, 456 /* Now it's an optional parameter */ )
    .setCallback((args, message) => {
        // Do something

Send Response

Send a message to a chat.

sendResponse(MessageContent, MessageObj, options?)

For MessageObj info see:

Message Content

type MessageContent = string | MessageMedia | Location | Poll | Contact | Contact[] | List | Buttons


Command response options

// All are optional
    asReply: boolean;   // Send message as a reply
    asError: boolean;   // Send message as error
    reaction: string;   // Reaction to message. Example: "πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί"
    messageOptions: MessageSendOptions;

For more information on MessageSendOptions, see:


Command with no arguments:

createCommand(['ping', 'pingpong'], {
        // Command options
        options: { adminOnly: true, },
        // Command info
        info: {
            name: 'Ping',
            description: 'Ping-pong! πŸ“',
    .setCallback(async (args, message) => {
        await sendResponse('Pong!', message, {
            reaction: 'πŸ“'

Command with arguments:

createCommand(['repeat'], {
        info: { name: 'Repeat text', }
    .addParameter('string', {
        name: 'Text',
        description: 'Text to repeat.',
        example: 'Hello x5',
    .addParameter('number', {
        name: 'Times', 
        description: 'Number of times repeated.', 
        example: '5',
    }, 1)
    .setCallback(async (args, message) => {
        let msgToSend: string = args[0];

        for (let i = 1; i < args[1]; i++) {
            msgToSend += '\n' + args[0];

        await sendResponse(msgToSend, message, {
            asReply: true,
            reaction: 'πŸ—£οΈ'

Command with quoted message:

createCommand(['quote', 'cite'], {
        options: { needQuotedMessage: true, },
        info: {
            name: 'Quote this',
            description: 'This command makes an author quote with the selected message. It needs to quote a message to work.',
    .setCallback(async (args, message) => {
        await message.getQuotedMessage()
            .then(async (quotedMessage) => {
                const msgToSend = `*" ${quotedMessage.body} "*\n\n` +
                                  `-  _${quotedMessage._data.notifyName}_`;
                await sendResponse(msgToSend, message, {
                    reaction: 'πŸ’­'


The bot has a command hot-swap mode. It consists of a system that allows the developer to test the commands contained in "./src/modules/commandsList.ts" without having to completely restart the server, by simply recompiling the project. This is enabled by the "hotSwappingEnabled" configuration variable in /config/commands.json.


It is not recommended to enable this mode for non-development environments.

Cool-down system

It can happen that a user decides to spam the bot with commands and make it difficult for it to work. To prevent this, there is a cool-down system. Every time a user sends a command, a timestamp is stored and based on certain conditions it is decided whether the command should be executed or not. If not enough time has elapsed since the last execution of a command, it will be ignored. The timeout will increase progressively for each command sent, you can observe these values in "./src/modules/commands/cooldown.ts" in the COOLDOWN_MULTIPLIER variable. On the other hand, if the timeout has been reached or even exceeded, the cool-down will gradually decrease.

This system also makes it possible to prevent a user from executing a command if a command is already being executed by the same user. To achieve a good performance of the system, it is recommended to use asynchronous functions for callbacks and await functions to wait for the completion of a promise. For example:

    // Async
    .setCallback(async (args, message) => {
        // Await
        await sendResponse('Pong!', message, {
            reaction: 'πŸ“',

In this example, once the message "Pong!" is sent, the execution of the command is considered as completed.


Udmilla is a small bot for WhatsApp made with whatsapp-web.js library using Typescript.





