Lawnicons Nightly
What's Changed
📱 New Icons & Links
- +1 update by @thismoon in #2333
- Triple J update, +4 links by @x9136 in #2334
- +1 icon by @eifr in #2339
- T2 update, +18 links by @x9136 in #2343
- Easter Egg update, +8 links by @x9136 in #2345
- +7 icons, Updated 3, Linked 1 by @Ahmed-Khalifa in #2340
- Badges update, +4 links by @x9136 in #2356
- +3 icons by @Pratham-T in #2336
- 2 updates, +14 links by @x9136 in #2369
- 8 icons by @McIntoshEuan in #2370
- +1 icon by @Johny-adri2 in #2352
- +11 links by @x9136 in #2372
- +9 links by @x9136 in #2375
- Repo cover, +3 links by @x9136 in #2373
- +1 icon by @Johny-adri2 in #2374
- [Barter 7] +100 icons: BDV, G2A, Zillow by @x9136 in #2378
- +1 Link by @Aditya137x in #2379
- +1 icon, +10 links by @x9136 in #2380
- +8 links by @x9136 in #2381
- +3 links by @x9136 in #2383
- +7 links by @x9136 in #2384
- +43 links by @x9136 in #2387
- +18 links by @x9136 in #2389
- Alphabet icons by @x9136 in #2390
- Minor icons update by @x9136 in #2391
- [Barter 8] +100 icons: Arena Breakout, Miele, Sahl by @x9136 in #2392
- +11 links by @x9136 in #2393
- +4 links by @x9136 in #2398
- +26 links by @x9136 in #2402
- +3 icons by @McIntoshEuan in #2376
- Added 7, Linked 1 by @Ahmed-Khalifa in #2377
- 2 icons by @Hamster45105 in #2399
- Add Arc Search by @Hamster45105 in #2404
- +10 links by @x9136 in #2405
- [Barter 9] +100 icons: Arby's, Kroger, WeTransfer by @x9136 in #2409
- +17 links by @x9136 in #2410
- +1 icon by @Aditya137x in #2414
- +21 links by @x9136 in #2418
- +12 links by @x9136 in #2419
- Link Revenge by @flame-0 in #2420
- +29 links by @x9136 in #2424
- Various changes to the Lawnicons docs, +2 links by @x9136 in #2425
- Fix SimpleLogin link by @atzix in #2428
- Add fi.skyjake.lagrange by @Sir-Photch in #2423
- +28 links by @x9136 in #2431
- +1 link by @SchweGELBin in #2438
- +2 links by @I21b in #2441
- Linked Stratum Auth icon by @Red6785 in #2449
- Link T-Life app to T-Mobile icon by @Red6785 in #2450
- update the class of the app "Smart Gigalife" by @freakingdan in #2458
- +3 links and correction of another PR by @x9136 in #2459
- +3 icons by @Johny-adri2 in #2466
🧑💻 Dependencies
- Update AGP by @renovate in #2347
- Update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.09.02 by @renovate in #2353
- Update dependency androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-compose to v2.8.6 by @renovate in #2354
- Update dependency commons-io:commons-io to v2.17.0 by @renovate in #2357
- Update dependency androidx.navigation:navigation-compose to v2.8.1 by @renovate in #2355
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json to v1.7.3 by @renovate in #2364
- Update dependency gradle to v8.10.2 by @renovate in #2371
- Update AGP by @renovate in #2382
- Update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.09.03 by @renovate in #2385
- Update dependency androidx.navigation:navigation-compose to v2.8.2 by @renovate in #2386
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:ktlint to v0.4.15 by @renovate in #2388
- Update Kotlin and KSP by @renovate in #2397
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:ktlint to v0.4.16 by @renovate in #2407
- Update AGP by @renovate in #2406
- Update plugin to v1.12.0 by @renovate in #2408
- Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.9.3 by @renovate in #2411
- Update dependency androidx.navigation:navigation-compose to v2.8.3 by @renovate in #2412
- Update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.10.00 by @renovate in #2413
- Update plugin to v2.0.21-1.0.26 by @renovate in #2421
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:ktlint to v0.4.17 by @renovate in #2426
- Update dependency androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-compose to v2.8.7 by @renovate in #2429
- Update dependency androidx.core:core-ktx to v1.15.0 by @renovate in #2430
- Update AGP by @renovate in #2432
- Update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.10.01 by @renovate in #2433
- Update plugin to v2.0.21-1.0.27 by @renovate in #2440
- Update dependency gradle to v8.11 by @renovate in #2442
- Update plugin com.gradle.develocity to v3.18.2 by @renovate in #2443
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:ktlint to v0.4.18 by @renovate in #2444
- Update dependency androidx.navigation:navigation-compose to v2.8.4 by @renovate in #2445
- Update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.11.00 by @renovate in #2446
- Update plugin to v2.0.21-1.0.28 by @renovate in #2448
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:ktlint to v0.4.19 by @renovate in #2453
- Update dependency gradle to v8.11.1 by @renovate in #2454
- Update dependency commons-io:commons-io to v2.18.0 by @renovate in #2456
- Update Kotlin and KSP by @renovate in #2465
- Update AGP by @renovate in #2472
- Update Hilt to v2.53 by @renovate in #2473
- Update dependency androidx.navigation:navigation-compose to v2.8.5 by @renovate in #2481
- Update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.12.01 by @renovate in #2482
- Update Hilt to v2.53.1 by @renovate in #2478
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:ktlint to v0.4.22 by @renovate in #2480
New Contributors
- @eifr made their first contribution in #2339
- @Pratham-T made their first contribution in #2336
- @McIntoshEuan made their first contribution in #2370
- @Johny-adri2 made their first contribution in #2352
- @Aditya137x made their first contribution in #2379
- @atzix made their first contribution in #2428
- @SchweGELBin made their first contribution in #2438
- @Red6785 made their first contribution in #2449
- @freakingdan made their first contribution in #2458
Full Changelog: v2.12.0...nightly