Do you want simplely shell script input which have formats and sync return?
Do you want a sscanf
like function to parse format strings?
is a C like scanf/sscanf module for node.js which can help you with that.
npm install scanf
- integer%f
- float%s
- string%S
- string of line%x
- hex%a
- hex float%o
- octal
var scanf = require('scanf');
console.log('Pleas input your name');
var name = scanf('%s');
console.log('Pleas input your age');
var age = scanf('%d');
console.log('your name [%s] type: [%s]', name, typeof name);
console.log('your age [%s] type: [%s]', age, typeof age);
Pleas input your name
> Barack\ Obama
Pleas input your age
> 24
your name [Barack Obama] type: [string]
your age [24] type: [number]
var scanf = require('scanf');
console.log('when are you born? \(Year-month-day\)');
var date = scanf('%d-%d-%d');
console.log('your birthday [%s]', date);
when are you born? (Year-month-day)
> 1990-01-01
your birthday [1990,1,1]
var scanf = require('scanf');
var number = scanf('%d');
console.log('number', number);
>> 2015
number 2015
var scanf = require('scanf');
var result = scanf('%s%d%d');
console.log('result', result);
>> Alan 24 180
result [ 'Alan', 24, 180 ]
var scanf = require('scanf');
var result = scanf('%d %f %s %x %o', 'integer', 'float', 'string', 'hex', 'octal');
console.log('result', result);
>> 12 3.1415926 hello 1F 10
result {
integer: 12,
float: 3.1415926,
string: 'hello',
hex: 31,
octal: 8
>> var sscanf = require('scanf').sscanf;
>> sscanf('12 34', '%d');
>> sscanf('Alan 20 180', '%s%d%d')
[ 'Alan', 20, 180 ]
>> sscanf('12 3.1415926 hello', '%d %f %s', 'month', 'pi', 'world');
{ month: 12, pi: 3.1415926, world: 'hello' }
>> sscanf(' 14 ?? Ss 0:07.59 /usr/sbin/securityd -i', '%d %s %s %s %s %s', 'pid', 'tty', 'stat', 'time', 'exec', 'param');
{ pid: 14,
tty: '??',
stat: 'Ss',
time: '0:07.59',
exec: '/usr/sbin/securityd',
param: '-i' }
you can see the ./tests files for more detail.
If there are some formats not support or go broken, you can contact author with email