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Releases: LennardF1989/Hitman-5-Server


19 Jul 00:16
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  • Fixed a bug where importing a shared a contract causes the score to be 0

Usage instructions

Because of the degrading nature of this bug, I have removed the downloads of the previous release.

If you have generated any contract links and shared them, please regenerate and update them accordingly!


18 Jul 20:25
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  • Added support paging and filtering contracts to the contracts Web UI
  • Added Creator Steam ID to the contracts Web UI
  • Added styling to the contracts Web UI
  • Added support for singleplayer scores
  • Changed server port from 80 to 40147 to prevent issues for most users
  • Fixed issue where Web UI wouldn't show any contracts
  • Fixed exploit where self-made contracts could be replayed and earn you too much money

Usage instructions

The instructions from the previous release still apply in general.

In order to keep your progression, copy your existing userprofile.json into the extracted directory of this new release. Or overwrite the files of the old server directory with the new ones.

Moving from port 80 to the slightly unconventional port 40147 is to make sure most users can run the server without having to reconfigure anything. It's also in the non-root privileges range for Linux users.

This is a breaking change for existing shared contract URLs, but all it requires is adding :40147 to the URL.

Keep in mind you will have to update the hook.ini to point to the new server URL!


18 Jul 15:31
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  • Added support for a local userprofile
  • Hook no longer requires VC Redist 2015 (fixes #4)

Usage instructions

The instructions from the previous release still apply in general.

The only difference is that when UseCustomContracts is set to true, it will keep track of your progression. Features include:

  • Earning money by completing contracts. Keep in mind you only earn money when you set a score for the first time or improve on it! Money allows you to buy weapon upgrades, or unlock weapons/suits you haven't earned yet through the singleplayer campaign.
  • Proper filtering of contracts in the UI, for example contracts by friends will actually show there, you can add contracts to the queue, etc. For your convenience in the awful UI, "Featured Contracts" acts the same as "Find Contracts", so you don't have to scroll to the end!
  • Keeping track of your personal best scores and amount of plays on a contract.

It's important to note that without a central server, competitions make no sense. None of that logic is currently working. When creating a contract, any competition you've setup will be ignored.

Have fun!


17 Jul 20:15
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  • Added support for custom contracts
  • Added UI to manage and share custom contracts

Instead of bundling the hook files in each ZIP for each release, it's now a ZIP on its own.

Usage instructions

The instructions from the previous release still apply in general.

  • If you want to use the new custom contract feature, open the appsettings.json and set UseCustomContracts to true.
  • With the server running, any place that used to show contracts in-game will show a list of custom contracts. Filters will be applied where possible.
  • Join the Discord server to share contracts with other players.
  • You can manage any contracts you've created yourself or downloaded from other players by going to http://localhost/contracts
  • Using the UI above, you can also generate a share link for this Discord server.


16 Jul 10:51
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  • Added support for setting WalletAmount through appsettings.json
  • (Probably) removed the need for a HTTPS certificate

The release ZIP now also contains the required hook files. For convenience, I've also included a Linux build that should be compatible with the Steam Deck. If neither works, I've also included a Portable version, but you will need to install the ASP.NET 6 Core Runtime (not the SDK or any other Runtime) for your machine to run it.

Usage instructions

  1. Download the ZIP for your system and extract it somewhere.
  2. Copy dinput8.dll and hook.ini to the installation directory of Hitman Absolution.
    • If you want to use this server for the Hitman Sniper Challenge, don't forget to edit the hook.ini and change game=hm5 to game=sniper.
  3. Adust the appsettings.json where needed:
  4. Start the server by running HM5.Server.exe.
    • Make sure any program that uses port 80 is closed, otherwise the server will fail to launch.


15 Jul 12:41
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Hey everyone!

This project has been gaining some traction, for which I would like to thank everyone. I'm happy to announce that the The Peacock Project team, known for the Hitman World of Assassination server replacement, has commenced initial work on a community server for Hitman Absolution and Hitman Sniper Challenge, based on the research done in this project. Their project is called Cobra, please keep an eye on it and join the Peacock Discord server to stay in touch.

Because a first live version might be a while away, I decided to add a little bit of additional configuration to allow users to set the SteamID that is used as the owner of the mocked contract/competition. As it currently stands, this should allow someone to unlock all Contract-related achievements.

To make it even easier, I already pre-compiled the server to a binary. That way, you don't even have to mess with the code! Just download the ZIP, extract it, adjust the appsettings.json to your liking and start the server by double-clicking the executable. Keep in mind, it needs to use port 80 and port 443, so if you have applications running that claim those ports for themselves (eg. IIS), you have to close those. Obviously, don't forget to drop the dinput8.dll and hook.ini in the game folders!

Good luck 47, I will leave you to prepare.