This project send messages by Telegram using a bot, developed using Pentaho Data Integration
Install Pentaho Data Integration - Kettle, extract in some place in yor computer.
Will be need a Telegram account, where a conversation with BotFather need be initiated and using the command /token to generate keys, follow instructions of BotFather to complete
First thing to do after execute Prerequisites is change in root project folder, open it and change {YOUR_PATH_KETTLE_INSTALATION_HERE} (Prerequisites - 1)
To finish is necessary enter in the folder resources, the path from the root folder is "/src/main/resources" and change file, open it and change {YOUR_TELEGRAM_TOKEN_HERE} and {YOUR_TELEGRAM_ID_CLIENT_HERE} to your Telegram credentials and the chat_id where the messages will be delivered {YOUR_@CHANNELUSERNAME_HERE}
After this setup just run