Paired end files should end with _1.fq.gz, _2.fq.gz or _1.fastq.gz,_2.fastq.fz. Single end files should end with _1.fq.gz
STAR takes a lot of memory(30-50 GB) each run, so don't run more than 2 STAR in parallel at each batch.
- define all parameters in the corresponding parameter file in parameters folder.
- In bash terminal, run the followsing command:
- nohup python parameter.yaml > log.txt & Or if you are running in screen, try the following command:
- python parameter.yaml 2>&1 | tee log.txt
- Press enter
- Finished Pipeline
- RNAseq_count: quantify number of reads mapping to each gene
- GATK_RNA_CHO: call variants for RNAseq
- SV_Pacbio_PBHoney: call structure variation for Pacbio data using PBHoney
- SV_Pacbio_Sniffle: call structure variation for Pacbio data using Sniffle
- Be aware, this is a bash pipeline and does not manage flow and reruns like ruffus.