Voltaire is a memory image scanning and analysis tool. It is based on Volatility framework to scan the memory image and store the results in database as well as in file. With the principal of Find Evil - Know Normal, it detects potential malware processes.
Supports investigations of the following memory images:
- VistaSP0x64
- VistaSP0x86
- VistaSP1x64
- VistaSP1x86
- VistaSP2x64
- VistaSP2x86
- Win10x64
- Win10x64_10586
- Win10x64_14393
- Win10x86
- Win10x86_10586
- Win10x86_14393
- Win2003SP0x86
- Win2003SP1x64
- Win2003SP1x86
- Win2003SP2x64
- Win2003SP2x86
- Win2008R2SP0x64
- Win2008R2SP1x64
- Win2008R2SP1x64_23418
- Win2008SP1x64
- Win2008SP1x86
- Win2008SP2x64
- Win2008SP2x86
- Win2012R2x64
- Win2012R2x64_18340
- Win2012x64
- Win2016x64_14393
- Win7SP0x64
- Win7SP0x86
- Win7SP1x64
- Win7SP1x64_23418
- Win7SP1x86
- Win7SP1x86_23418
- Win81U1x64
- Win81U1x86
- Win8SP0x64
- Win8SP0x86
- Win8SP1x64
- Win8SP1x64_18340
- Win8SP1x86
- WinXPSP1x64
- WinXPSP2x64
- WinXPSP2x86
- WinXPSP3x86
- Python 2.6 or later, but not 3.0. http://www.python.org
- Volatility, but not Volatility 3. https://github.com/volatilityfoundation/volatility#start-of-content
The latest stable version of Voltaire will always be the master branch of the GitHub repository. You can get the latest version of the code using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/Lifars/Voltaire.git
Clone the latest version of Voltaire from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/Lifars/Voltaire.git
See available options:
bash ./voila.sh -h
To scan and analyze the memory image and to make sure Voltaire supports that image type, run
bash ./voila.sh <imagefile>
bash ./voila.sh ~/Downloads/xp-laptop-2005-07-04-1430.img
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All Rights Reserved
This is provided "as is". No specific support will be provided. We will try to answer questions.
For information or requests, visit our website https://lifars.com/