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Migrating to V1

Keith Tan edited this page Jul 5, 2023 · 1 revision

Migrating from react-lifesg-design-system-v6


Subdirectory imports are now supported. Hence it is advised to use it for importing instead.

import { Button } from "@lifesg/react-design-system/button";


Types are also now exported along with the same component folder as opposed to the types file

// v6
import { ButtonProps } from "react-lifesg-design-system/types";

// New
import { ButtonProps } from "@lifesg/react-design-system/button";


// v6
import { Color, MediaQuery, TextStyleHelper } from "react-lifesg-design-system";

// New
import { Color } from "@lifesg/react-design-system/color";
import { MediaQuery } from "@lifesg/react-design-system/media";
import { TextStyleHelper } from "@lifesg/react-design-system/text";

Component changes


  • Accordion.Base has been replaced with just Accordion
  • Accordion.Item still remains

You may refer to the storybook documentation for more details.


  • AlertBox has been renamed as Alert in terms of terminology
  • AlertBox.Base has been renamed to Alert
  • AlertBox.Description has been deprecated to have the style applied to <p> instead

You may refer to the storybook documentation for more details.


  • The components now takes in img so you can configure all image attributes instead of just imgSrc
  • [v1.0.0-alpha.24] The default titles and descriptions have been replaced with placeholders. Specify the props based on your use case. Otherwise, if you were using the default messages in previous versions, refer to this commit for the original copy.


  • The footer props have been amended for clarity
    • addon has been deprecated and replaced with showDownloadAddon
    • Introduced copyrightInfo and logoSrc to allow customisation of the copyright text and logo respectively
    • options in FooterLinkProps has been replaced with data-options
    • lastUpdated has been made optional. Defaults to today's date if it is not specified

Refer to the storybook documentation for more details


  • Form.Field has been replaced to Form.Input to be more in sync with the base component
  • Form.FieldGroup has been replaced to Form.InputGroup to be more in sync with the base component
  • Form.ErrorMessage has been removed; to render error messages, pass in the errorMessage prop

The corresponding type names have also been changed.

component old new
Field FormFieldProps FormInputProps
FieldGroup FormFieldGroupProps FormInputGroupProps


// Old
import { Icon } from "@lifesg/icon";
<Icon type="cross" />;

// New
import { CrossIcon } from "@lifesg/react-icons/cross";
<CrossIcon />;
  • Use height and width with styled(Icon) to resize icons; font-size is no longer needed


  • InputGroupProps.addon has been amended for clarity
// Old
export interface AddonProps<T> extends DropdownListProps<T> {
    type?: InputGroupAddonType;
    value?: T;
    children?: JSX.Element;
    position?: "left" | "right";
    placeholder?: string;
    displayValueExtractor?: (item: T) => any; // format function to derive display value upon selected
    onShowOptions?: () => void;
    onHideOptions?: () => void;
    selectorTestId?: string;

// New
export interface AddonProps<T, V> {
    type?: InputGroupAddonType | undefined;
    attributes: ListAddon<T, V> | LabelAddon | CustomAddon;
    position?: "left" | "right" | undefined;

// Refer to the storybook docs for the full list of new props


  • Layout.GridContent has been deprecated and merged with Layout.Content. You can switch to use flex or grid using the type prop
  • Layout.GridContainer has been deprecated and merged with Layout.Container. You can switch to use flex or grid using the type prop


  • onDefaultClickHandler has been deprecated and replaced by onItemClick. Previously onItemClick did not return the event object in its params. It now does.


  • Modal.Base has been renamed to just Modal for simplicity
  • Modal.Box still remains the same


  • All Navbar prop types have been renamed to remove their prefix

Here is the full list of changes

Previous New
INavItem NavItemProps
INavbarItems NavItemsProps
INavResources NavbarResourcesProps
INavbarButtonComponentProps NavbarButtonComponentProps
INavbarActionButtons NavbarActionButtonsProps
INavbarButton NavbarButtonProps
TDrawerDismissalMethod DrawerDismissalMethod
INavbarProps NavbarProps
  • blockDrawerDismissalMethods in NavbarProps has been renamed to drawerDismissalExclusions for clarity

You can refer to the Storybook documentation for the amended names of the types

  • The resources prop has been amended to support customisation of additional assets. You may specify the main brand logo via resources.primary.


  • NotificationBanner.Base has been simplified to be just NotificationBanner
  • NotificationBanner.Label has been deprecated and the style has been integrated into the main component. You may just specify the content plainly


  • ToggleButton has been deprecated in favour of Toggle
  • The states of a Toggle has also been simplified to either checked or not checked as opposed to the previous where there was a non selected default state

Other issues


You may encounter the following when developing with NextJS:

  • Hydration error in the console Warning: Prop `className` did not match.
  • CSS changes applied to styled(DSComponent) are not reflected on Fast Refresh. A manual refresh in the browser is required

So far these issues have been observed only in dev mode. You can choose to live with them.

Otherwise, a workaround is to add the following webpack config in next.config.js. However note that this may affect other libraries that rely on specific module resolution.

module.exports = {
	webpack: (config, { isServer }) => {
		return {
			resolve: {
				mainFields: isServer
					? ["main", "module"]
					: ["browser", "main", "module"],
    // rest of your config

The root cause is webpack resolving the component's entry point from CJS on the server and from ESM on the browser. This affects the load order of styled-components generated styles. For more details, see this NextJS issue.