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Scripts for Lin, Y., Darolti, I., Furman, B. L. F., Almeida, P., Sandkam, B. A., et al., Breden, F., Wright, A. E., Mank, J. E. (2022) Gene duplication to the Y chromosome in Trinidadian Guppies. Molecular Ecology.

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Scripts for Lin, Y., Darolti, I., Furman, B. L. F., Almeida, P., Sandkam, B. A., Breden, F., Wright, A. E., Mank, J. E. (2022) Gene duplication to the Y chromosome in Trinidadian Guppies. Molecular Ecology. 31, 1853–1863.

Note: All Python scripts are written with Python3, and are NOT compatible with Python2.

  1. Quality control using FastQC and Trimmomatic

    python -fqs [/path/fq_files/] \
                                     -o [./qc/] \
                                     -t [10] \
                                     -trim \
  2. Align high-quality reads to female reference genome using BWA MEM

    python -r [/path/ref_genome/] \
                               -bwa [bwa] \
                               -fq [./trim/] \
                               -t [10] \
  3. Fixmate, sort and mark duplications using SAMtools

    sh [sample_ID]
  4. Genotyping, SNP filtering and calculating intersexual Fst

    #(1) Genotyping using BCFtools

    sh 04.GenotypingSNPFiltering/ [sample_ID] [region_name]

    #(2) SNP filtering using VCFtools, here we only keep SNPs in CDS regions by specifying --bed guppy_cds_coords.txt

    vcftools --vcf [input.vcf] \
             --maf 0.05 \
             --mac 1 \
             --min-alleles 2 \
             --max-alleles 2 \
             --max-missing 0.9 \
             --min-meanDP 10 \
             --max-meanDP 100 \
             --bed guppy_cds_coords.txt \
             --recode --recode-INFO-all \
             --minGQ 25 \
             --out [outprefix]

    #(3) Calculating intersexual Fst for each SNP using VCFtools

    vcftools --vcf [input.vcf] \
             --weir-fst-pop [female.txt] \
             --weir-fst-pop [male.txt] \
             --out [outprefix]

    #(4) SNPs with top 1% Fst

    # we simply do 1% cut-off here, for example in Python3, we use quantile function from numpy pkg
    numpy.quantile (data, 0.01) 

    #(5) Fisher's exact test using PLINK1.9, please check details in 05.FisherExactTest

    python 05.FisherExactTest/ [original.vcf] [newid.vcf]
    sh 05.FisherExactTest/ [newid.vcf] [outprefix]

    #(6) Permutation test, please check details in 06.PermutationTest

    sh 06.permutation_test/ [filtered.cds.vcf]
  5. Male-to-Female read depth ratio, please check details in 07.M2FReadDepth

    sh 07.M2FReadDepth/
  6. Tajima's D

    #(1) exclude genes with immune and MHC function in reference genome based on Ensembl Biomart info.

    python 08.TajimaD/ [immune_MHC.bed] [outprefix.csv] 

    #(2) calculate gene-based Tajima's D

    python 08.TajimaD/ [gene_boundary.csv] [site.TajimaD] [outprefix.csv]
  7. Relatedness inference using ngsRelate and KING

    #(1) ngsRelate, here, please use filtered VCF and DON'T exclude non-CDS regions

    /path/ngsrelate  -h [filtered.vcf.gz] -O [vcf.res]

    #(2) KING, before using KING, please convert VCF to .bed, .fam and .bim using PLINK1.9

    /path/king -b [my.bed] \
               --fam [my.fam] \
               --bim [my.bim] \


Scripts for Lin, Y., Darolti, I., Furman, B. L. F., Almeida, P., Sandkam, B. A., et al., Breden, F., Wright, A. E., Mank, J. E. (2022) Gene duplication to the Y chromosome in Trinidadian Guppies. Molecular Ecology.







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