This website its Online Ticket shop (e-Ticket) an online portal that purchases and sells tickets to concerts and events worldwid
git clone
cd Starlab-Intership-Team-4
cp .env.example .env
composer update
npm install
php artisan migrate --seed
php artisan serve
npm run dev
- Server Configurate
- Project other Configurate
- TALL Stack
- TailwinCSS
- AlpineJS (3)
- Laravel (9)
- Livewire
- Laravel Jetstream
- Laravel Socialite
- Laravel Cashier (Stripe)
- Laravel Debugger
- Role and Permission (spatie)
- Medialibrary (spatie)
- WireUI
- SEO Meta Tags
- Vizitors
- Contact
- Feedback
- Auditing
- Blog
- e-Mail Support (Notification)
- Admin Table
- Multi Delelte
- Sortable
- Fast Paginate
- Serchable
- Online/Offline
- Verify/UnVerify
- Ban/UnBan with Reason
- Role Asighn
- User Login Action track
- Multi Category
- Multi Tags
- Like, Share,whishlist,Report(polymorphism)
- Comment & Reply (polymorphism)
- Google Map
- Newsletter
- Rich Filter
- Ticket Payment
- Multi Category
- Multi Tags
- Subscription with Notification
- Report (polymorphism)
- Review with Star Rating (Polymorphism)
- Google Map
- Album/Gallery
This command make Livewire CRUD (for Modeles) on Admin Panel
php artisan make:crud MODEL_NAME
This project was made by Starloards Team (Starlab Inter)
- Alpet Gexha
- Butrint Hajrizi
- Florian Azemi
- Freskim Hisenaj
- Lirim Muqolli