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Releases: LiteFeather1/ltf-stopwatch


15 Jul 12:19
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LTF Stopwatch 1.0.3

New shortcuts to interact with the Stopwatch.

Modify Time Shortcuts

Task Set 1 Set 2
Increase Time by One Ctrl + Up Arrow Ctrl + "+"
Decrease Time by One Ctrl + Down Arrow Ctrl + "-"
Increase Time by Five Alt + Up Arrow Alt + "-"
Decrease Time by Five Alt + Down Arrow Alt + "-"

Delete Entry at Num

Delete the stopwatch at the num key pressed. i.e DEL + 1 Deletes the first entry.
Note: 0 Is the same as 10

Task Set 1
Delete Entry Delete Key + NUM Key

Move Window

Task Set 1
Move Window Left Ctrl + Left Arrow
Move Window Right Ctrl + Right Arrow
Move Window Up Ctrl + Up Arrow
Move Window Down Ctrl + Down Arrow

Place Window at Position

Task Set 1 Set 2
Place Window Bottom Left Ctrl + Keypad 1 Alt + 1
Place Window Bottom Center Ctrl + Keypad 2 Alt + 2
Place Window Bottom Right Ctrl + Keypad 3 Alt + 3
Place Window Center Left Ctrl + Keypad 4 Alt + 4
Place Window Center Ctrl + Keypad 5 Alt + 5
Place Window Center Right Ctrl + Keypad 6 Alt + 6
Place Window Top Left Ctrl + Keypad 7 Alt + 7
Place Window Top Center Ctrl + Keypad 8 Alt + 8
Place Window Top Right Ctrl + Keypad 9 Alt + 9


18 Jun 16:20
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LTF Stopwatch 1.0.2

Paste-In Time Feature

Press Ctrl + V to paste-in a time to modify the Stopwatch elapsed time. Formatted as HH:MM:SS Modifiers examples:

  • "=" - Resets the stopwatch to the specified time, e.g. "=1.25" resets the Stopwatch to 00:00:01.25.
  • "+" - Adds to the elapsed time, e.g. "+1:10" adds 1 minute and 10 seconds to the elapsed time.
  • "-" - Subtracts the elapsed time, e.g. "-1:3:5" subtracts 1 hour, 3 minutes and 5 seconds of elapsed the time.


09 Jun 14:45
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LTF Stopwatch 1.0.0

The main addition from the MVP is the Pause Entry Tray.

The pause tray helps you keep track of the pauses, when they started, when they finished, their duration, when you elapsed time of that pause and so on. It is also possible to copy they entry tray as text, neatly formatted in 4 formats, with options to include the Elapsed Time the Pause Span and the pause span ranks of each entry.


11 May 15:20
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0.8.0 Pre-release

MVP of the LTF Stopwatch.