Lithicsoft Trainer Studio is a tool that allows you to create artificial intelligence models without coding directly on your training data.
- Multi-language Support: Supports C# and Python for model creation.
- C#: Create Microsoft.ML models, currently supporting Image Classification and Value Prediction.
- Python: Supports LSTM text generation for PyTorch and RNN text generation for TensorFlow.
- Minimal Coding: Create models with minimal coding.
- Easy Parameter Tuning: Easily tune training parameters (Python only).
- Intuitive Interface: User-friendly interface.
- GPU Training: Train models on GPUs (Python only).
For installation instructions, please refer to our wiki.
For detailed usage instructions, visit our wiki.
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This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.
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This project is built on C# WPF and requires the following packages:
- Microsoft.ML
- Microsoft.ML.FastTree
- Microsoft.ML.ImageAnalytics
- Microsoft.ML.OnnxConverter
- Microsoft.ML.TensorFlow
- SciSharp.TensorFlow.Redist
- System.Management
- Wiki: Lithicsoft Trainer Studio Wiki
- Website: Lithicsoft Trainer Studio
- Repositories: