For collecting F&P data from multiple files and collating that data into a single CSV file for ingestion/upload.
This utility is very specific to how Living Sky School Division No. 202 collects F&P data from our teachers. An example file can be found in the ExampleFiles
directory of this repository.
You can obtain the EXE for this utility HERE.
Command | Description |
-o , --out |
Filename for the output CSV file. |
-i , --infolder |
The path to a folder containing Excel files that each have F&P data for a single class/teacher. |
-f , --filter |
File filter for the input folder. Example: L_23-24*.xlsx |
-h , --header |
Show header on the output CSV file. This will cause the import to fail, but is useful for troubleshooting. |
--analyze |
Instead of creating a collated CSV, analyze the data instead and display information that may help with troubleshooting or data checking. More data is displayed when paired with --verbose or -v . |
--showsourcefilenames |
Show source (Excel) filenames in the output CSV. This will cause the import to fail, but is useful for troubleshooting. |
-v , --verbose |
Show extra information on the command line regarding file processing. |
dotnet publish -r win-x64 -p:PublishSingleFile=true -c Release --self-contained true -p:PublishTrimmed=true
The finished exe can be found under bin/Release/net8.0/winx64/FNPCollator.exe
dotnet run -- -i "path\to\excel\file\folder\" --header -o "C:\my_output_file.csv"