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Whisper API Server

Quick Start

  • Install WasmEdge v0.14.1 with wasi_nn-whisper plugin

    TODO: Add the installation guide

  • Download whisper-api-server.wasm binary

    # specify the version of whisper-api-server
    export version=0.2.0
    # download the whisper-api-server.wasm binary
    curl -LO$version/whisper-api-server.wasm
  • Download whisper model file

    ggml whisper models are available from

    In the following command, ggml-medium.bin is downloaded as an example. You can replace it with other models.

    curl -LO
  • Download audio file

    curl -LO
  • Start whisper-api-server on default 8080 port

    wasmedge --dir .:. whisper-api-server.wasm -m ggml-medium.bin

    To start the server on other port, use --socket-addr to specify the port you want to use, for example:

    wasmedge --dir .:. whisper-api-server.wasm -m ggml-medium.bin --socket-addr
  • Send curl request to the transcriptions endpoint

    curl --location 'http://localhost:10086/v1/audio/transcriptions' \
      --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
      --form 'file=@"/Users/sam/workspace/demo/whisper/wasmedge-demo/test.wav"'

    If everything is set up correctly, you should see the following generated transcriptions:

        "text": "[00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:03.540]  This is a test record for Whisper.cpp"


To build the whisper-api-server.wasm binary, you need to have the Rust toolchain installed. If you don't have it installed, you can install it by following the instructions on the Rust website.

If you are working on macOS, you need to download the wasi-sdk from; and then, set the WASI_SDK_PATH environment variable to the path of the wasi-sdk directory, and set CC environment variable to the clang of wasi-sdk, for example:

export WASI_SDK_PATH /path/to/wasi-sdk-22.0
export CC="${WASI_SDK_PATH}/bin/clang --sysroot=${WASI_SDK_PATH}/share/wasi-sysroot"

Now, you can build the whisper-api-server.wasm binary by following the steps below:

  • Clone the repository

    git clone
  • Build the whisper-api-server.wasm binary

    cd whisper-api-server
    cargo build --release

    If the build is successful, you should see the whisper-api-server.wasm binary in the target/wasm32-wasip1/release directory.

CLI Options

$ wasmedge whisper-api-server.wasm -h

Whisper API Server

Usage: whisper-api-server.wasm [OPTIONS] --model <MODEL>

  -n, --model-name <MODEL_NAME>    Model name [default: default]
  -a, --model-alias <MODEL_ALIAS>  Model alias [default: default]
  -m, --model <MODEL>              Path to the whisper model file
      --socket-addr <SOCKET_ADDR>  Socket address of Whisper API server instance [default:]
  -h, --help                       Print help
  -V, --version                    Print version