Up Arrow Key - Moves camera forward along the global z-axis.
Down Arrow Key - Moves camera backward along the global z-axis.
Right Arrow Key - Moves camera to the right along the global x-axis.
Left Arrow Key - Moves camera to the left along the global x-axis.
Page Up Key - Moves camera to the upward along the global y-axis.
Page Down Key - Moves camera to the downward along the global y-axis.
"e" Key - Locks the mouse to get mouse input. Vertical movement of the mouse rotates the camera around its sideways axis by updating theta with radians. Horizontal movement of the mouse rotates the camera around its y-axis by updating phi with radians.
"o" Key - Switches on/off the spotlight.
"p" Key - Switches between per-vertex and per-pixel shading.
Play it: https://lobsterteam.github.io/textured-pyramids/public_html/