Most of us can relate to kicking back on the couch and enjoying a movie with friends and family. In this project, we’ll design and implement an android application to allow us to find the most popular movies playing.
This app uses the API from
Coinpaprika API delivers free & frequently updated market data from the world of crypto: coin prices, volumes, market caps, ATHs, return rates and more.
- Fetch data from the Internet with Coinpaprika API.
- Use adapters and custom list layouts to populate list views.
- Incorporate libraries to simplify the amount of code you need to write.
- Build a fully featured application that looks and feels natural on the latest Android operating system.
- Android Architecture Components
- Android Data Binding
- Retrofit for REST api communication
- Moshi is JSON library for Android. It makes it easy to parse JSON into Java and Kotlin classes
MIT License, see the LICENSE file.
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- Notice anything else missing? File an issue
- Feel free to contribute in any way to the project from typos in docs to code review are all welcome.