The goal of this project is to establish an infrastructure for monitoring the quality of road trips, primarily involving buses and trains. The focus areas include:
- Temperature
- Crowding
- Noise Pollution
- Vehicle Movements
- Punctuality
- We've developed a custom Android app in Java to collect data from the phone's various sensors.
- Temperature and crowd data are simulated since phones lack sensors for these metrics.
- The app utilizes the Eclipse Paho Java library, employing the MQTT protocol for connection and message transmission.
- The workflow achieves several objectives:
- Simulates crowding and temperature sensors.
- Acts as an intermediary between the application, using an MQTT broker node powered by aedes.js, and a ThingWorx node responsible for communicating with ThingWorx via the HTTP REST protocol.
- Manages a Telegram bot to send alerts when needed.
- Displays real-time location on a map.
- The workflow achieves several objectives:
- Multiple entities collaborate to visualize data effectively:
- Thing: Represents a single bus.
- Thing Value Stream: Represents the bus associated with the thing, derived from data of the value stream.
- Alerts: Triggered when Thing’s properties satisfy specific conditions.
- Application Key: Necessary to pass data from NodeRED to Thingworx.
- Mashups: Dashboards showing data in tables, line charts, or gauges.
- Multiple entities collaborate to visualize data effectively:
- Pointer Movement: Links to dashboards, icon of the moving vehicle.
- Line Representing Vehicle Movements: Links to ThingWorx Mashups.
- Accelerometers: Displays gauges and charts of Accelerometers X, Y, and Z to monitor the current value and its evolution over time.
- Noise/Temperature/Crowding: Similar structure to the Accelerometers mashup but focuses on Noise, Crowding, and Temperature metrics.
- Alerts: Displays the last alert triggered for each parameter, listing relevant information.