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42 Libtf - My first project in the 42 Core Curriculum

The first project of the 42 School aims to create a static library, whith simulates existents functions of native libraryes of C language. We'll need them in future projects in the school, to manipulate characters, strings, numbers and printing.

final mark

Use in your machine

  1. Clone the repo
  git clone libft
  1. Get in the project folder
  cd libft
  1. Compile the mandatory
  1. Compile the bonus files
  make bonus
  1. Use it


Check and manipulate characters:

Function Description
ft_isalpha Alphabetic character test.
ft_isdigit Decimal-digit character test.
ft_isalnum Alphanumeric character test.
ft_isascii Test for ASCII character.
ft_toupper Lower case to upper case letter conversion.
ft_tolower Upper case to lower case letter conversion.

Manipulate strings:

Function Description
ft_strlen Find the length of the string.
ft_strlcpy Size-bounded string copying.
ft_strlcat Size-bounded string concatenation.
ft_strchr Locate the character in the string (first occurrence).
ft_strrchr Locate the character in the string (last occurrence).
ft_strncmp Compare strings (size-bounded).
ft_strnstr Locate a substring in a string (size-bounded)
ft_substr Extract substring from a string.
ft_strjoin Concatenate two strings into a new string (with malloc).
ft_strtrim Trim the beginning and end of the string with the specified characters.
ft_split Split string, with specified character as delimiter, into an array of strings.
ft_strmapi Create a new string by modifying the string with a specified function.
ft_striteri Iterates through a string, enabling character and index manipulation.

Manipulate memory:

Function Description
ft_calloc Memory allocation.
ft_memset Write a byte to a byte string.
ft_bzero Write zeroes to a byte string.
ft_memcpy Copy memory area.
ft_memmove Copy byte string.
ft_memchr Locate byte in byte string.
ft_memcmp Compare byte string.
ft_strdup Save a copy of a string (with malloc).

Manipulate numbers:

Function Description
ft_atoi Convert the ASCII string to an integer.
ft_itoa Convert integer to ASCII string.

Write to a file descriptor:

Function Description
ft_putchar_fd Output a character to the given file.
ft_putstr_fd Output string to the given file.
ft_putendl_fd Output string to given file with newline.
ft_putnbr_fd Output integer to the given file.


The bonus functios are optionals (as the name says), but they serve to get as ready to work with data structures, specificly linked lists.

Function Description
ft_lstnew Create new list.
ft_lstadd_front Add a new element at the beginning of the list.
ft_lstadd_back Add a new element at the end of the list.
ft_lstsize Count elements of a list.
ft_lstlast Find the last element of the list.
ft_lstdelone Delete element from the list.
ft_lstclear Delete the sequence of elements of the list from a starting point.
ft_lstiter Apply function to the content of all list elements.
ft_lstmap Apply function to the content of all list elements into a new list.


Ispired by jotavare


First project in 42Luanda Core Curriculum








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