The first project of the 42 School aims to create a static library, whith simulates existents functions of native libraryes of C language. We'll need them in future projects in the school, to manipulate characters, strings, numbers and printing.
- Clone the repo
git clone libft
- Get in the project folder
cd libft
- Compile the mandatory
- Compile the bonus files
make bonus
- Use it
Function | Description |
ft_isalpha |
Alphabetic character test. |
ft_isdigit |
Decimal-digit character test. |
ft_isalnum |
Alphanumeric character test. |
ft_isascii |
Test for ASCII character. |
ft_toupper |
Lower case to upper case letter conversion. |
ft_tolower |
Upper case to lower case letter conversion. |
Function | Description |
ft_strlen |
Find the length of the string. |
ft_strlcpy |
Size-bounded string copying. |
ft_strlcat |
Size-bounded string concatenation. |
ft_strchr |
Locate the character in the string (first occurrence). |
ft_strrchr |
Locate the character in the string (last occurrence). |
ft_strncmp |
Compare strings (size-bounded). |
ft_strnstr |
Locate a substring in a string (size-bounded) |
ft_substr |
Extract substring from a string. |
ft_strjoin |
Concatenate two strings into a new string (with malloc). |
ft_strtrim |
Trim the beginning and end of the string with the specified characters. |
ft_split |
Split string, with specified character as delimiter, into an array of strings. |
ft_strmapi |
Create a new string by modifying the string with a specified function. |
ft_striteri |
Iterates through a string, enabling character and index manipulation. |
Function | Description |
ft_calloc |
Memory allocation. |
ft_memset |
Write a byte to a byte string. |
ft_bzero |
Write zeroes to a byte string. |
ft_memcpy |
Copy memory area. |
ft_memmove |
Copy byte string. |
ft_memchr |
Locate byte in byte string. |
ft_memcmp |
Compare byte string. |
ft_strdup |
Save a copy of a string (with malloc). |
Function | Description |
ft_atoi |
Convert the ASCII string to an integer. |
ft_itoa |
Convert integer to ASCII string. |
Function | Description |
ft_putchar_fd |
Output a character to the given file. |
ft_putstr_fd |
Output string to the given file. |
ft_putendl_fd |
Output string to given file with newline. |
ft_putnbr_fd |
Output integer to the given file. |
The bonus functios are optionals (as the name says), but they serve to get as ready to work with data structures, specificly linked lists.
Function | Description |
ft_lstnew |
Create new list. |
ft_lstadd_front |
Add a new element at the beginning of the list. |
ft_lstadd_back |
Add a new element at the end of the list. |
ft_lstsize |
Count elements of a list. |
ft_lstlast |
Find the last element of the list. |
ft_lstdelone |
Delete element from the list. |
ft_lstclear |
Delete the sequence of elements of the list from a starting point. |
ft_lstiter |
Apply function to the content of all list elements. |
ft_lstmap |
Apply function to the content of all list elements into a new list. |
Ispired by jotavare