A set of examples and additional tools for WombatDialer. You can contribute too - just send us a PR!
A set of scripts that show how to:
- create a new campaign from scratch, fully configuring all its options like you would do from the GUI
- create a new list from scratch and upload numbers to it
- dumping a JSON view of one campaign
- dumping a JSON view of common objects as currently configured
They are meant to be used as examples, so were written to be easuily readable.
A sample script that implements a very common scenarion, that is:
- clone an existing campaign as it is
- create a new list
- add the new list to the just-cloned campaign
- run the new campaign
A script to easily remove lists from campaigns. It can also remove all lists at once.
Schedules recalls based on lost calls on a QueueMetrics queue.
A shell script written in PHP.
Convert a list of numbers and attributes stored as a simple CSV file to the format used by WombatDialer to upload call lists.
A script written in Perl.
- The QueueMetrics XML-RPC Query Browser lets you interact with the XML-RPC interface of QM from a web page