is a great, new translation service. It provides better translations compared to other popular translation engines. DeepLy is a PHP package that implements a client to interact with DeepL via their undocumented API.
Through Composer:
composer require chriskonnertz/deeply
From then on you may run composer update
to get the latest version of this library.
It is possible to use this library without using Composer but then it is necessary to register an autoloader function.
This library requires PHP 5.6 or higher and the cURL extension.
$deepLy = new ChrisKonnertz\DeepLy\DeepLy();
$translatedText = $deepLy->translate('Hello world!', 'DE', 'EN');
echo $translatedText; // Prints "Hallo Welt!"
There is a PHP demo script included. It is located at
use ChrisKonnertz\DeepLy\DeepLy;
$deepLy = new DeepLy();
try {
$translatedText = $deepLy->translate('Hello world!', DeepLy::LANG_EN, DeepLy::LANG_AUTO);
echo $translatedText; // Prints "Hallo Welt!"
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
echo $exception->getMessage();
Always wrap calls of the translate
method in a try-catch-block, because they might throw an exception if the
arguments are invalid or the API call fails. Instead of using hardcoded strings as language arguments
better use the language code constants of the DeepLy
class. The class also offers methods such as
getLangCodes($withAuto = true)
and supportsLangCode($langCode)
You may use the proposeTranslations
method if you want to get alternative translations for a text.
This method cannot operate on more than one sentence at once.
DeepL(y) supports these languages:
Code | Language |
auto | Auto detect |
DE | German |
EN | English |
FR | French |
ES | Spanish |
IT | Italian |
NL | Dutch |
PL | Polish |
Note that auto detection only is possible for the source language.
Per default DeepLy uses a minimalistic HTTP client based on cURL. If you want to use a different HTTP client,
such as Guzzle, create a class that implements the HttpClient\HttpClientInterface
and makes use of the methods of the alternative HTTP client. Then use $deepLy->setHttpClient($yourHttpClient)
to inject it.
Note: If you experience issues with the integrated cURL client that could be solved by setting the
, first read this: it does not help try:
According to the website, the length of the text that has to be translated is limited to 5000 characters.
I do not know if or when will officially release their API but I expect them to do it at some point. Meanwhile you may use this PHP client on your own risk. Also note that their API responds quite slow. This might be intentional. Nevertheless the API is reliable. I had not a single issue amongst hundreds of API calls.
I tried to rush towards a first release. It works and I hope that I do not have to change the main method translate()
in a way that makes it incompatible with the current release. However, I cannot guarantee that.
More commits might come soon. There still is space for improvements.
This is not an official package. It is 100% open source and non-commercial. The API of is free as well but this might change in the future.
DeepL is a product from DeepL GmbH. More info:
This package has been heavily inspired by node-deepls and deeplator. Thank you for your great work!