My project analyses tweets from Donald Trump for positive, neutral and negative semantics.
- Python 3.5 (or later)
- TextBlob
- WordCloud
- Matplotlib
- Tweets in JSON format (
pip3 install nltk textblob wordcloud matplotlib
How do I run your tests? Make it as easy as possible to do this! Do I actually need tests...?
pip install -r requirements.txt
What versioning statergy are you using for your project, something like semantic versioning might be a good idea.
- Luke Ireland
View the docs/ online, or download it and build a pdf with:
pandoc -s --metadata title="Trump Tweet Semantics Report" --metadata author="Luke Ireland" --pdf-engine=xelatex -V 'mainfont:DejaVuSerif' -V 'sansfont:DejaVuSans' -V 'monofont:DejaVuSansMono' -V 'mathfont:TeXGyreDejaVuMath-Regular' -o report.pdf