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test: recurrent NN for enzyme
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avik-pal committed Sep 22, 2024
1 parent b717ef4 commit 7e25fc7
Showing 1 changed file with 75 additions and 84 deletions.
159 changes: 75 additions & 84 deletions test/layers/recurrent_tests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,38 @@
@testitem "RNNCell" setup=[SharedTestSetup] tags=[:recurrent_layers] begin
@testsetup module RecurrentLayersSetup

using MLDataDevices

MLDataDevices.get_device_type(::Function) = Nothing # FIXME: upstream maybe?
MLDataDevices.get_device_type(_) = Nothing # FIXME: upstream maybe?

function loss_loop(cell, x, p, st)
(y, carry), st_ = cell(x, p, st)
for _ in 1:3
(y, carry), st_ = cell((x, carry), p, st_)
return sum(abs2, y)

function loss_loop_no_carry(cell, x, p, st)
y, st_ = cell(x, p, st)
for i in 1:3
y, st_ = cell(x, p, st_)
return sum(abs2, y)

export loss_loop, loss_loop_no_carry


@testitem "RNNCell" setup=[SharedTestSetup, RecurrentLayersSetup] tags=[:recurrent_layers] begin
rng = StableRNG(12345)

@testset "$mode" for (mode, aType, dev, ongpu) in MODES
@testset for rnncell in (RNNCell(3 => 5, identity), RNNCell(3 => 5, tanh),
RNNCell(3 => 5, tanh; use_bias=false),
RNNCell(3 => 5, identity; use_bias=false),
RNNCell(3 => 5, identity; use_bias=false, train_state=false))
@testset for act in (identity, tanh), use_bias in (true, false),
train_state in (true, false)

rnncell = RNNCell(3 => 5, act; use_bias, train_state)
ps, st = Lux.setup(rng, rnncell) |> dev
@testset for x_size in ((3, 2), (3,))
Expand All @@ -15,34 +42,27 @@
@jet rnncell(x, ps, st)
@jet rnncell((x, carry), ps, st)

function loss_loop_rnncell(p)
(y, carry), st_ = rnncell(x, p, st)
for _ in 1:10
(y, carry), st_ = rnncell((x, carry), p, st_)
return sum(abs2, y)
if train_state
@test hasproperty(ps, :train_state)
@test !hasproperty(ps, :train_state)

@test_throws ErrorException ps.train_state

@test_gradients(loss_loop_rnncell, ps; atol=1.0f-3, rtol=1.0f-3,
soft_fail=[AutoFiniteDiff()], broken_backends=[AutoEnzyme()])
@test_gradients(loss_loop, rnncell, x, ps, st; atol=1.0f-3, rtol=1.0f-3)

@testset "Trainable hidden states" begin
@testset for rnncell in (
RNNCell(3 => 5, identity; use_bias=false, train_state=true),
RNNCell(3 => 5, identity; use_bias=true, train_state=true))
@testset for use_bias in (true, false)
rnncell = RNNCell(3 => 5, identity; use_bias, train_state=true)
rnn_no_trainable_state = RNNCell(
3 => 5, identity; use_bias=false, train_state=false)
_ps, _st = Lux.setup(rng, rnn_no_trainable_state) |> dev

rnncell = RNNCell(3 => 5, identity; use_bias=false, train_state=true)
ps, st = Lux.setup(rng, rnncell) |> dev
ps = merge(_ps, (hidden_state=ps.hidden_state,))

for x_size in ((3, 2), (3,))
@testset for x_size in ((3, 2), (3,))
x = randn(rng, Float32, x_size...) |> aType
(_y, _carry), _ = Lux.apply(rnn_no_trainable_state, x, _ps, _st)

Expand All @@ -59,12 +79,12 @@

@testitem "LSTMCell" setup=[SharedTestSetup] tags=[:recurrent_layers] begin
@testitem "LSTMCell" setup=[SharedTestSetup, RecurrentLayersSetup] tags=[:recurrent_layers] begin
rng = StableRNG(12345)

@testset "$mode" for (mode, aType, dev, ongpu) in MODES
@testset for lstmcell in (LSTMCell(3 => 5), LSTMCell(3 => 5; use_bias=true),
LSTMCell(3 => 5; use_bias=false))
@testset for use_bias in (true, false)
lstmcell = LSTMCell(3 => 5; use_bias)
ps, st = Lux.setup(rng, lstmcell) |> dev

Expand All @@ -75,19 +95,10 @@ end
@jet lstmcell(x, ps, st)
@jet lstmcell((x, carry), ps, st)

function loss_loop_lstmcell(p)
(y, carry), st_ = lstmcell(x, p, st)
for i in 1:10
(y, carry), st_ = lstmcell((x, carry), p, st_)
return sum(abs2, y)

@test_gradients(loss_loop_lstmcell, ps; atol=1.0f-3, rtol=1.0f-3,
soft_fail=[AutoFiniteDiff()], broken_backends=[AutoEnzyme()])
@test !hasproperty(ps, :train_state)
@test !hasproperty(ps, :train_memory)

@test_throws ErrorException ps.train_state
@test_throws ErrorException ps.train_memory
@test_gradients(loss_loop, lstmcell, x, ps, st; atol=1.0f-3, rtol=1.0f-3)

Expand All @@ -108,10 +119,11 @@ end
l, back = Zygote.pullback(
p -> sum(abs2, 0 .- sum(lstm(x, p, st)[1][1])), ps)
gs = back(one(l))[1]
@test_throws ErrorException gs.bias_ih
@test_throws ErrorException gs.bias_hh
@test_throws ErrorException gs.hidden_state
@test_throws ErrorException gs.memory

@test !hasproperty(gs, :bias_ih)
@test !hasproperty(gs, :bias_hh)
@test !hasproperty(gs, :hidden_state)
@test !hasproperty(gs, :memory)

lstm = LSTMCell(
3 => 5; use_bias=false, train_state=true, train_memory=false)
Expand All @@ -122,10 +134,10 @@ end
l, back = Zygote.pullback(
p -> sum(abs2, 0 .- sum(lstm(x, p, st)[1][1])), ps)
gs = back(one(l))[1]
@test_throws ErrorException gs.bias_ih
@test_throws ErrorException gs.bias_hh
@test !hasproperty(gs, :bias_ih)
@test !hasproperty(gs, :bias_hh)
@test !isnothing(gs.hidden_state)
@test_throws ErrorException gs.memory
@test !hasproperty(gs, :memory)

lstm = LSTMCell(
3 => 5; use_bias=false, train_state=false, train_memory=true)
Expand All @@ -136,9 +148,9 @@ end
l, back = Zygote.pullback(
p -> sum(abs2, 0 .- sum(lstm(x, p, st)[1][1])), ps)
gs = back(one(l))[1]
@test_throws ErrorException gs.bias_ih
@test_throws ErrorException gs.bias_hh
@test_throws ErrorException gs.hidden_state
@test !hasproperty(gs, :bias_ih)
@test !hasproperty(gs, :bias_hh)
@test !hasproperty(gs, :hidden_state)
@test !isnothing(gs.memory)

lstm = LSTMCell(3 => 5; use_bias=false, train_state=true, train_memory=true)
Expand All @@ -149,8 +161,8 @@ end
l, back = Zygote.pullback(
p -> sum(abs2, 0 .- sum(lstm(x, p, st)[1][1])), ps)
gs = back(one(l))[1]
@test_throws ErrorException gs.bias_ih
@test_throws ErrorException gs.bias_hh
@test !hasproperty(gs, :bias_ih)
@test !hasproperty(gs, :bias_hh)
@test !isnothing(gs.hidden_state)
@test !isnothing(gs.memory)

Expand All @@ -170,12 +182,12 @@ end

@testitem "GRUCell" setup=[SharedTestSetup] tags=[:recurrent_layers] begin
@testitem "GRUCell" setup=[SharedTestSetup, RecurrentLayersSetup] tags=[:recurrent_layers] begin
rng = StableRNG(12345)

@testset "$mode" for (mode, aType, dev, ongpu) in MODES
@testset for grucell in (GRUCell(3 => 5), GRUCell(3 => 5; use_bias=true),
GRUCell(3 => 5; use_bias=false))
@testset for use_bias in (true, false)
grucell = GRUCell(3 => 5; use_bias)
ps, st = Lux.setup(rng, grucell) |> dev

Expand All @@ -186,18 +198,9 @@ end
@jet grucell(x, ps, st)
@jet grucell((x, carry), ps, st)

function loss_loop_grucell(p)
(y, carry), st_ = grucell(x, p, st)
for i in 1:10
(y, carry), st_ = grucell((x, carry), p, st_)
return sum(abs2, y)
@test !hasproperty(ps, :train_state)

@test_gradients(loss_loop_grucell, ps; atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3,
soft_fail=[AutoFiniteDiff()], broken_backends=[AutoEnzyme()])

@test_throws ErrorException ps.train_state
@test_gradients(loss_loop, grucell, x, ps, st; atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)

Expand All @@ -215,9 +218,10 @@ end
@test carry == _carry
l, back = Zygote.pullback(p -> sum(abs2, 0 .- sum(gru(x, p, st)[1][1])), ps)
gs = back(one(l))[1]
@test_throws ErrorException gs.bias_ih
@test_throws ErrorException gs.bias_hh
@test_throws ErrorException gs.hidden_state

@test !hasproperty(gs, :bias_ih)
@test !hasproperty(gs, :bias_hh)
@test !hasproperty(gs, :hidden_state)

gru = GRUCell(3 => 5; use_bias=false, train_state=true)
ps, st = Lux.setup(rng, gru) |> dev
Expand All @@ -241,19 +245,18 @@ end

@testitem "StatefulRecurrentCell" setup=[SharedTestSetup] tags=[:recurrent_layers] begin
@testitem "StatefulRecurrentCell" setup=[SharedTestSetup, RecurrentLayersSetup] tags=[:recurrent_layers] begin
rng = StableRNG(12345)

@testset "$mode" for (mode, aType, dev, ongpu) in MODES
for _cell in (RNNCell, LSTMCell, GRUCell),
use_bias in (true, false),
@testset for _cell in (RNNCell, LSTMCell, GRUCell), use_bias in (true, false),
train_state in (true, false)

cell = _cell(3 => 5; use_bias, train_state)
rnn = StatefulRecurrentCell(cell)

for x_size in ((3, 2), (3,))
@testset for x_size in ((3, 2), (3,))
x = randn(rng, Float32, x_size...) |> aType
ps, st = Lux.setup(rng, rnn) |> dev

Expand All @@ -273,16 +276,7 @@ end
st__ = Lux.update_state(st, :carry, nothing)
@test st__.carry === nothing

function loss_loop_rnn(p)
y, st_ = rnn(x, p, st)
for i in 1:10
y, st_ = rnn(x, p, st_)
return sum(abs2, y)

@test_gradients(loss_loop_rnn, ps; atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3,
broken_backends=[AutoEnzyme()], soft_fail=[AutoFiniteDiff()])
@test_gradients(loss_loop_no_carry, rnn, x, ps, st; atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
Expand All @@ -292,12 +286,9 @@ end
rng = StableRNG(12345)

@testset "$mode" for (mode, aType, dev, ongpu) in MODES
@testset "ordering: $ordering" for ordering in (BatchLastIndex(), TimeLastIndex())
@testset "cell: $_cell" for _cell in (RNNCell, LSTMCell, GRUCell)
@testset "use_bias: $use_bias, train_state: $train_state" for use_bias in (
true, false),
train_state in (true, false)

@testset for ordering in (BatchLastIndex(), TimeLastIndex())
@testset for _cell in (RNNCell, LSTMCell, GRUCell)
@testset for use_bias in (true, false), train_state in (true, false)
cell = _cell(3 => 5; use_bias, train_state)
rnn = Recurrence(cell; ordering)
rnn_seq = Recurrence(cell; ordering, return_sequence=true)
Expand Down

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