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Collection of useful functions using the DirAccess class

Why this plugin?

For a project I had to do a lot of actions related to files and directories. So, I had to write a lot of functions to save me time.

Then, I started reusing these functions for others project. So, using it as a plugin with version numbers makes it simpler to share it.

Therefore, I'm sharing it with you as well.


  • Get names of files inside a folder (with or without extension)
  • Get names of folders inside a folder
  • Delete a file
  • Delete a directory
  • Rename a file
  • Move a file
  • Create directories recursively (exemple create the following path user://new_folder/new_subfolder/new_sub_sub_folder)
  • Globalize a path (Work for both inside and outside the editor!!!)
  • Get the size of a folder
  • Check if a folder is empty
  • Get name of a file with its extension
  • Get name of a file without its extension
  • Remove the extension of a file name
  • Get the extension (with a dot) of a file name
  • Copy a file
  • Usage of push_warning and push_error to inform you about problems