This forked version of AIS is for personal use only, new features will be added but will not reflect on the original repository.
- From here download the .zip file, extract it, and open the folder
- Move all files from the unzipped folder to your webserver (if using xampp: it is on htdocs)
- create a folder called
If you are using Linux, please set the chmod to 777 of uploads folder
- Do not start the webserver, proceed to Setup
- on your mysql/mariadb database server, create a database
- edit the
from your webserver and edit the following:
/* Database credentials. Assuming you are running MySQL
server with default setting (user 'root' with no password) */
define('DB_SERVER', "insert db server/ip");
define('DB_USERNAME', "insert username");
define('DB_PASSWORD', "insert password");
define('DB_NAME', "insert your db name you created earlier");
define('DB_PORT', 3306); # edit the 3306 to the specific db server port
- Start your webserver
Username: superadmin
Password: superadmin