The Universal Components provide a QtQuick 2.0 component set with a single interface that can use different backends.
Like application GUI code can be used written once and used everywhere where one of the supported backends is available.
The backends take care of a native look, so the application should not only run on the given platform but also look reasonably good.
- QtQuick Controls 2 - fully supported
The QtQuick Controls are part of Qt 5 since 5.7 and are a fully supported UC backend. Therefore any application using UC should run with just Qt 5.7+ being available.
- Sailfish Silica - fully supported
The default component set of Sailfish OS by Jolla.
- Nemo Mobile Glacier - planed
Universal Components provide a unified interface with all supported backends. This is represented by a qmldir file and the elements themselves.
All individual backends have the same qmldirs and the same elements that also provide the same properties and function.
All platform specific functionality that is deemed worthwhile & doable is reimplemented in the other backends so that it can be part of the unified interface.
First you need to make sure the UC directory you want to use is in your QML plugin search path. Uhen just import the UC plugin and use the provided elements:
import UC 1.0
If you can't manipulate your QML plugin import path, you can also import the UC plugin directly:
import "./UC"
Universal Components API documentation is available in the docs/api_spec.rst file.
PlatformFlickable and PlatformListView
These two components provide access to enhanced platform specific Flickables and ListViews (SilicaListView has fast scroll support, etc.). With backends that don't have such enhancements a normal Flickable or ListView is used.
The TopMenu element provides a multi platform menu that will generally be shown somewhere at the top of a Page using the appropriate native presentation method. Currently this translates to a PullDownMenu with with the Silica backend and to a Menu in popup mode with Controls. In the future the advanced Glacier pull down menu should also be supported.
The easiest way to use the TopMenu is to place PageHeader on top of your Page and assing the TopMenu into its menu property:
import UC 1.0
Page {
PageHeader { :
menu : TopMenu {
MenuItem {
text : "option 1"
onClicked : {console.log("1 clicked!")}
MenuItem {
text : "option 2"
onClicked : {console.log("2 clicked!")}
The top menu makes sure that the TopMenu can be activated when needed, either in a platform specific way (pull down gesture with Silica) or by showing a button (with Controls).
The TopMenu can be also used inside the PlatformFlickable or PlatformListView, but users will need to provide custom triggering for the TopMenu (calling its popup() method) when not using the Silica backend.
- Glacier backend
Universal Components are distributed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD license.