- An ecommerce website that uses dummy data from fakestoreapi
I would appreciate a star 😉⭐
- Login, signup with an express.js backend server connected to a MongoDB database to store users.
- Secure JWT http only refresh token and access token to persist login info.
- Stripe support for payments.
- Full English and Arabic languages support with their suitable directions.
- Fully SSR pages when you filter or search through products.
- Local storage functionality to save cart items when you reload.
- Dark / Light mode.
- Descriptive meta tags.
Check it out here. 🟢
- ReactJs
- NextJs
- Stripe
- Redux-toolkit
- localStorage
- Bootstrap & React Bootstrap
- Axios
- i18next
- Fakestoreapi
Back-end: 🌎
- NodeJs
- Express
- MongoDB
- Role based api routes
- NextJs api routes