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Exploratory Data Analysis of MuSIASEM case studies, linked to "nis-backend"

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NIS EDA is a dashboard designed to allow initial exploration of results of a NIS-formatted MuSIASEM case study.

It is a Shiny application which can be deployed using Docker images built using one of the two supplied Dockerfiles: one is for continuation of the development, RStudio+Shiny (rstudio_docker/Dockerfile), the other is for execution, containing just Shiny (Dockerfile).

Connection to Nis-Backend

Connection to a Nis-Backend instance running locally (at is provided as example. See to see how to install "nis-backend". To use other connections (as Unina server) change the URL in "nisbackend.R" file.

Files and Modules Organization

  • library.R
  • nisbackend.R
  • global.R
  • server.R
  • ui.R
  • modules/
    • barPlots.R
    • EUM.R
    • tree.R
    • plots.R
    • indicators.R
    • Choices.R
    • NISInput.R

Modules Description

  • barPlots.R: Contains all the modules related to the bar graphs.
  • Choices.R : Modules that build the selectors such as scope, period, scenario, etc. that are repeated throughout the application to perform the filterings.
  • EUM.R: Modules that build the necessary reactives datasets to create the EUM matrix
  • indicators.R: Inputs and outputs necessary to create the scalarBenchmark, Scalar indicator and gauge graph output.
  • tree.R: Modules to create the hierarchy visualization
  • plots.R: Functions to create the different charts such as bar charts and gauge plot
  • NISInput.R Function that calls NIS Client and generates Flow Graph Solution and Issues Data frames.


Exploratory Data Analysis of MuSIASEM case studies, linked to "nis-backend"




