Hi there,
As a Bilkent graduate, I understand the pain you're going through trying to find relevant study material. So, to collect some good karma, this is a collection of all my assignments, study content and homework from all of my 8(!) amazing semesters at Bilkent University.
- Be sure to use this content as a guide and stay away from plagiarism! (I've already graduated so it won't harm me but believe me, DC actions are no easy game)
- If you find something wrong or misleading anywhere, Kindly let me know and I'll be happy to update it with your version after verifying its correctness.
- Stay away from "CS426: Parallel Computing"! It was a weirdly hard course.
I'd love to connect with you all over the following channels:
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/muhammadarhamkhan
Instagram: instagram.com/itsarhamkhan
Email: muhammadarhamkhan@gmail.com
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
The sacred brotherhood of coffee-fueled, tired and trying-their-best-to-make-the-11:59-deadline students :)