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Bicriterion assignment and multi modal assignment problems

This contribution consider two groups of instances; namely, instances for the classical bi-objective linear assignment problem and instances for the bi-objective multi modal assignment problem. All cost-files are given in xml-format (see e.g. ex1 and ex2 ). For further information on how these files were generated consult the APGen documentation paper.

Test instances

Instance groups for bicriterion assignment problems (AP)

The instances are contained in the sub folder AP. Instances are named

  • Pedersen08_AP_d<n>_c0-1000_<Y>.xml where Y is the instance number of a BiAP of size n with negatively correlated costs. Cost range is [0,1000].
  • Pedersen08_AP_d<n>_c0-1000_non_<Y>.xml where Y is the instance number of a BiAP of size n with random generated costs. Cost range is [0,1000].

A total of 4000 instances are provided. That is, 100 instances of each of the following sizes n = 5, 10, ..., 100 with costs randomly chosen in 0, ..., 1000 and using both random and negatively correlated cost.

Instance groups for bicriterion multi modal assignment problems (MMAP)

The instances are contained in the sub folder MMAP. Instances are named Pedersen08_MMAP_d<n>_e<I1>_c<I2>_m<M>_s<S>_<Y>.xml where Y is the instance number of a BiMMAP of size $n$ with entry range I1 and cost range I2 using method M and shape S.

A total of 8000 instances are provided. That is, 100 instances of each of the following 80 possible configurations were generated:

  • n: 4, 6, 8, 10.
  • I1: 2-8 (not for method 2) and 10-30.
  • I2: 0-500 and 0-10000.
  • (M,S): (1, −60), (1,0), (1, 60), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 0).

Instance raw format description

The instance files are not in a plain text format. However, if you would like to convert an instance to plain text file then the xml file may be converted using an xslt style sheet. For more details see the file in the convert folder.


Restults are given in the results folder using the json format (see Step 3). Results for Tuyttens00 contributon are also given.