The CodeScool frontend SPA is based on and implemented in Elm. Before installing CodeScool completely, you must first install some dependencies of the project. The installation and implementation instructions for the project are as follows.
Node.js is a JavaScript interpreter that works on the server side. Its goal is to assist in the creation of highly scalable applications, with codes capable of handling simultaneous connections on a single machine. First install a version greater than 7, we indicate that you install version 8.4.0.: Install Node.js
Next you should install a package manager of JavaScript, we advise the installation of yarn promising to be faster than npm and is a project open source:
You should only install a management pack choosing between the yarn or npm:
Before run step of Yarn Install
or Npm Install
follow the steps off Install elm-install
For the perfect functionality of Ace Editor in CodeSchool, is necessary install elm-install dependency manager and run it to install the software external dependences.
After the install of dependencies you need to install yarn packages using this command:
yarn install
An then run elm application with:
yarn dev
If you prefer run with npm, use the following commands to install npm packages:
npm install
An then run elm application with:
npm dev
To use the application in Development mode, just open on localhost:4000
For production just replace dev for buid:
yarn build