Releases: MIT-LCP/license-and-dua
Update Data Use Agreement (relax code publishing requirement)
This version relaxed the code sharing requirement of the of the PhysioNet DUA so that researchers are not required to submit their code to PhysioNet (though they should still make their code open somewhere).
If I openly disseminate my results, I will also contribute the code used to produce those results to a defined PhysioNet repository ( that is open to the research community.
If I openly disseminate my results, I will also contribute the code used to produce those results to a repository that is open to the research community.
Update Data Use Agreement (include institution)
This version updating the clause on reidentification to include institutions.
Update to Data Use Agreement (new email address)
This version introduced a new non-MIMIC specific email address, beginning on (around - check date) 12 December 2016.
Update to Data Use Agreement (link to code repository)
This is an updated version of the Data Use Agreement (DUA). This version introduces a recommendation to contribute code to a shared repository. It was used primarily for the MIMIC database beginning on 19 August 2016.
First Data Use Agreement (DUA)
This is the first version of the Data Use Agreement (DUA). It was used primarily for the MIMIC database up until it was replaced with v1.1.0.