- Clone this repo to your local machine (or a hosted service such as Google Colab)
- Answer the questions in the notebook 'Assignment_1.ipynb'
- Don't edit anything in the
folder - Make sure that all answers are self-contained. Define additional variables and helper functions inside the functions you are asked to implement
- On the command line, go into the 'submit' folder and run the verification file
cd submit
python verify.py
- Check the output for any other errors. See the notebook
for more details on any errors. - A file
will be generated in this folder. Make sure that your answers are complete in this report. - Push your solution Github Classroom. Make sure that you commit everything, especially your assignment notebook and submission HTML files.
git add -A
git commit -m "commit message"
git push
- An automated unit test will be run after your submission. Check your github page to follow status. A green check means that everything is fine.
- We recommend committing an empty solution right away (e.g. by changing a single character) so that you are familiar with the submission procedure. This avoids unexpected surprises near the submission deadline.
- If the import of your code fails, often signaled by the error "NameError: name 'solution' is not defined", try to see what is wrong by running
python solution.py
- If the automated test fails (you see a red cross), click it to check what went wrong.
- If the automated test failed, that does not automatically mean that your solution is wrong. There can be other unexpected reasons as well.
- The automated test does not check for correctness, only that we could successfully run your submitted solution.
- If you needed any additional libraries, add them to requirements.txt, so that they are installed before runnign the test.