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Ngocho, Janet edited this page Mar 21, 2019 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Projects wiki! This document consists of regular updates on any addition to the software files**


Software artifact new functionalities added

  • Created a new software file 'topic modelling'.
  • Using the following source: (The dataset represents country names as 3-letter ISO-alpha3 Codes), enabled the conversion of ISO codes into country names, I merged the data set with UN country names. This dataset also specifies the region (continent) which allows me to filter african countries later.
  • The following method was added: preprocessText - This method removes none tetter characters, ubiquitous words i.e stop words like 'is', 'the'. It also tokenizes words in the text. Using the nltk.stem.WordNetLemmatizer() function, I was able to remove inflectional endings. I added the following columns to enable easy analysis 'text','lemmatized_tokens','lemmatized_text'.
  • To fish for more down to earth topics, I applied a popular type of topic modeling: the Latent Dirichlet allocation model. LDA is an unsupervised learning model that takes as input our speeches and the number of topics that we wish to find. It assumes that documents are created by picking a small number of topics,which then "generate" words with certain probabilities. As output: 1.For each of the speeches, it enables us to view the topics it is composed of, and to what extent. 2.For each topic, we see a bag of words that describe it. These are the words that the topic is most likely to "generate" and their corresponding probabilities.This can help by manually deciding that, e.g. words present in >80% documents will be discarded.Similarly, one can remove words present in too few documents.Hence, before I apply the gensim toolkit LDA model, I will have a look at the commonness of each word and decide what thresholds to apply.
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