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Lemonade Stand

Simple retail app. Please see below. Full stack application using the below technologies:

  • React.js: v18.2.0
  • .NET: 7.0
  • Entity Framework Core (EF Core): v7.0
  • PostgreSQL

User Stories

  • As a user, I can add varying quantities of products to my cart.
  • As a user, I can clear my order of each product with a single action.
  • As a user, I can see the total cost of my cart updated instantly as I add or adjust items.
  • As a user, I can submit my order, enter my customer data, and receive a confirmation number.

UI Requirements

In addition to the below specifications, it was also requested that I reproduce a provided UI mock-up.

Provided Mockup

final result with data populated
My Finished App


Acceptance criteria provided:

  1. Allow you to modify lemonade types and sizes in the datastore and automatically update types and sizes displayed to the customer.
  2. Allow customers to initially buy 2 types of lemonade:
    a. Regular lemonade
    b. Pink lemonade
  3. Allow customers to initially buy 2 sizes of lemonade:
    a. Regular size
    b. Large size
  4. Allow customers to enter their personal information to pick up their orders:
    a. Name
    b. Phone number or email
  5. Display an order number for customers.
  6. Record orders in a datastore to keep track of orders.
  7. Store codebases in a public git repository.

Detailed File Explanations


  • Wrapper.jsx
    Handles state management using the useReducer hook. The component fetches initial product data from the backend API and initializes global state via OrderContext. It dispatches actions for adding items, resetting the order, and submitting the order.

  • OrderForm.jsx
    Displays input fields for customer details and allows the user to submit their order. This component interacts with the global state to track the items added to the cart.

  • TotalBox.jsx
    Dynamically calculates and displays the total price of the order based on the items in the cart. Updates are instantaneous as items are added or removed.

  • AlertModal.jsx
    A reusable component that shows confirmation messages or alerts. The modal closes when users click outside its bounds, providing a clean user experience.

  • ListRow.jsx
    Displays a single row in the product list, showing details such as the flavor, size, and price of a product. Users can adjust quantities for individual items.

  • QuantityComponent.jsx
    Provides a simple and intuitive interface for users to increase or decrease the quantity of an item in their cart.


  • OrdersController.cs
    Handles customer orders.

    • POST /api/Orders: Accepts a JSON payload with customer and order details. Maps this data into the database and generates an order confirmation number.
    • GET /api/Orders/{id}: Retrieves a specific order by its ID.
  • ProductsController.cs
    Serves product data to the frontend.

    • GET /api/Products: Returns all available products, sorted by size and flavor.
  • Models
    Represent the database structure, including relationships between entities like:

    • Customer: Stores customer information.
    • Order: Represents an order and its associated items.
    • OrderItem: Represents individual items within an order.
    • Product: Stores product information, including flavor, size, and price.
  • DTOs
    Simplify and secure data transfer between the frontend and backend by exposing only necessary properties.

  • MappingProfile.cs
    Configures mappings between DTOs and models using AutoMapper, ensuring seamless data transformations.

  • LemonadeContext.cs
    Configures Entity Framework Core to interact with the PostgreSQL database.



Design Decisions

Given more time, I would refactor the order form to live outside the TotalBox component and instead use a popup modal for improved aesthetics. I’ve created a simple modal component for my alerts here, but would prefer to incorporate a library like Bootstrap to handle modals easily and allow users to receive alerts without having to click out of them. Using DTOs for a simple application is something I would try to avoid, but they facilitate scalability and easy adaptation should any of the APIs need to be changed.

Supporting Tools

  • Postman: Used to test API calls during development.
  • Chrome React Developer Tools: Used to see state changes during application flow and debugging.
  • PostgreSQL Explorer for VS Code: Used to query my database.
  • LucidChart: Used to create my ERD diagram.

Next Steps

  • Implement responsive UI design utilizing CSS media queries to automatically adjust the size of components for different screen sizes, including mobile.
  • End-to-end testing using Jest and NUnit.
  • Improved front-end validation to verify phone and email formats.
  • Authorization and customer lookup for repeat orders.
  • Suggest reordering a recent order or allow saving a favorite order for repeat customers.