Turkish-makam Tonic Test Dataset v2
Erratum: We have recently discovered a few errors in the tonic annotations listed in atli2015tonic_fma. The annotations are currently being revised.
This release adds the test datasets consisting the annotated tonic frequencies of audio recordings of Turkish-makam music used in the paper:
Atlı, H. S., Bozkurt, B., Şentürk, S. (2015). A Method for Tonic Frequency Identification of Turkish Makam Music Recordings. In Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis. Paris, France.
Please cite the publication above in any work using these datasets.
This release contains annotated tonic frequencies of 1093 audio recordings in total. For more information please refer to the paper.
Note: The "source code" also includes the previous releases. Download the zip file (atli2015tonic_fma.zip) to specifically download the datasets used in the paper above.