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Spike Email Construction Kit

The Spike email construction Kit is a templating framework for building hybrid and responsive email newsletters. It is designed to work best when used in the Measuremail Spike application. ( It mainly consist of 3 files:

  • HTML file containing the HTML markup and content
  • framework.less containing all calculations for basic things like collumn widths etc
  • styles.less contianing definitions for visual styling

It offers:

  • A hybrid / responsive layout system
  • Bootstrap like gridcollumn framework
  • Easely adjustable dimensioning of the grid, and collumn spacing (gutter)
  • Helper classes to adjust visual design and responsive behavior
  • Works great in all conventional emailclients

How to use this template

##1: Build HTML-file

Start building your own email template with the snippets provided in the 'Snippets' directory, or just choose an example email in the 'Examples' directory. Make sure that framework.css and styles.css are correctl;y linked.

##2: Adjust main properties

All sizes of gridcollumns, gutters and paddings are calculated in this file based on some adjustable vairables. You can adjust those variables to your needs in the top of this document. Remember to parse this file to CSS each time!

##3: Add styling

Finish the visual design by adding/adjusting further styling in styles.less (and parse this file to .CSS)

##4: Inline styles

Send the email using Measuremail Spike of Measuremail M7 to have all CSS correctly inlined.