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Configure Settings

Kevin M. White edited this page Oct 30, 2023 · 14 revisions

Once you have figured out which super options you prefer, you can deploy the settings via command line, your own custom script, or a MDM configuration profile.

Configure via Command Line or Script

The super script automatically installs itself (and various other accoutrements) anytime it's ran from outside its working folder /Library/Management/super/. This installation location is acceptable for most administrators so there is not a super option to modify this default path. However, because super is a bash script, you can easily modify the superFOLDER="/Library/Management/super" parameter via any text editor prior to running or deploying super.

After installation super maintains a settings a settings file similar to a regular application. This means that many super options passed in via command line or script are automatically saved the first time you use them. For example, you only need to use the --test-mode option once. After that, every time you run super it remains in test mode until you disable it. To disable test mode you use the --test-mode-off option. You can find out more about super test mode here.

The super settings file default location is /Library/Management/super/com.macjutsu.super.plist. While you can technically edit this settings file directly, you should avoid this and simply use the built-in super options.

Reset Local super Settings

Delete all locally saved options, except for any previously saved authentication options. Thus returning all non-authentication options to their default setting.

Command option examples:
--reset-super or -x or -X

Sometimes the super preferences file may contain settings that are causing unexpected results, so resetting these settings can help resolve issues. For example, if you make changes to super settings via a MDM configuration profile, consider also using the --reset-super option to clear any locally cached super options that may cause conflicts.

You can also use this option along with the --workflow-disable-update-check and --auth-delete-all options to fully disable any active or deferred super update workflows. With this combination of options, the super workflow deletes any local super settings, kills any existing super processes, deletes any saved credentials, and disables the super LaunchDaemon.

This option can not be set via a MDM configuration profile. However, any other deferral options that are specified via a super MDM configuration profile remain in effect.

MDM Configuration Profile

If there are specific super options you plan to set "permanently" then you should consider deploying these settings via a MDM configuration profile. In addition to over-the-air deployment, using a MDM configuration profile also allows you to enforce your options. In other words, if a specific super option is deployed via a MDM configuration profile then it cannot be ignored or changed via local command options.

The MDM configuration profile specification allows for custom settings deployed via application specific preference domains. In the case of super, the preference domain is com.macjutsu.super. Throughout this Wiki you'll find configuration profile example text detailing the option-specific XML formated keys to be used in the super MDM configuration profile.

The super repository contains a variety of MDM configuration profile example files:

DO NOT DEPLOY the "all options" examples as is. It is for example only and contains conflicting example settings that cause errors if deployed as is. Before deploying you should evaluate all example settings for your specific environment by removing any setting that is not required and auditing any remaining settings for appropriateness.

The ".plist" examples need to be inserted into a new MDM configuration profile payload, whereas the ".mobileconfig" examples are already complete. Consult your vendor-specific MDM documentation for importing custom configuration profile settings.

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