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Scale Snapping

HDSQ edited this page Jan 24, 2021 · 3 revisions

This note input mode snaps notes to the closest notes in a scale.


When the mode is triggered, some options are presented for choosing a scale. They are sorted by scale type. When a scale type is selected, the scales it contains are displayed on the bottom row. The types of scales, and their scales are as follows:

  1. Major
    • Major
    • Whole-tone
  2. Minor
    • Natural Minor
    • Harmonic Minor
    • Melodic Minor
  3. Blues
    • Major Blues
    • Minor Blues
  4. Pentatonic
    • Major Pentatonic
    • Minor pentatonic
    • Ryukyu
  5. Non-western
    • Egyptian
    • Arabic
    • Gypsy
  6. Modes
    • Ionian
    • Dorian
    • Phrygian
    • Lydian
    • Mixolydian
    • Aeolian
    • Locrian

When no scale mode is selected, the lower-left drum pad can be used to toggle whether non-scale notes should be snapped or ignored. If the light is pink, notes will be snapped to the scale. If it is red, non-scale notes will be ignored.

As well as these options, a custom scale can be entered by pressing the green (top right) drum pad. When this is active, press any notes to add them to the scale. Press it again to begin using that scale mode. Press it after already selecting a scale to add notes to that scale (the first note you press must be the root note).

While the setup is active, you can press a key to select the root note for the scale. Once the script has a root note and a scale type, it will finish its setup and begin snapping notes.