It displays loading like structure in loopy statement (package)
$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
$ python3 -m pip install pyloadart
|-- function
| |
| |-- bar()
| |-- arrow()
| |-- doted()
| |-- hash_()
| |-- custom()
| |-- loop
| |
| |-- box()
| |-- arrow()
| |-- clock()
| |-- doted()
| |-- custom()
| |-- inwords()
| |-- outwords()
|-- asign
| |
| |-- ExceptionKeyboardInterrupt
| |-- loop
| |-- ExceptionKeyboardInterrupt
|-- version
| |__ v0.0.1
|-- author
| |_ Madhava-mng
|__ The End. Nandrigal...!
>>> import pyloadart as pla
>>> for i in range(500000):
... pla.arrow(i, 500000, msg='banner\\t')
banner 100% [➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢]
➢ bar
➢ arrow
➢ doted
➢ hash_
➢ custom
➢ ExceptionKeyboardInterrupt = False/True
➢ current_value => (int) number
➢ expected_value => (int) number
➢ theam => (str) Inside loders "#" or "➢" ...
only in custom
➢ msg => (str) print the message before loaders
➢ unfilled => (str) Fill this char with unfilled areas
➢ number => (Bool) for hide persentage sign and number
➢ color => (str) W => white
R => red
B => blue
G => green
Y => yellow
P => pink like code: \\033[35m
D => disco
the colors displayed according your terminal
color scheam
➢ end_with => (str) end with chars default "[]"
[0] => starts with
[1] => ends with
➢ interval => (int) set intervel to print the loader
To wavering the speed of the program
>>> import pyloadart as pla
>>> for i in range(500000):
... pla.arrow(i, 500000, msg='banner \\t')
banner 100% [➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢]
>>> for i in range(500000):
... pla.arrow(i, 500000, msg='banner2\\t', unfilled='-')
banner2 85% [➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢----------]
>>> for i in range(500000):
... pla.arrow(i, 500000, msg='banner3\\t\\t', number=False)
banner3 [➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢]
>>> for i in range(500000):
... pla.arrow(i, 500000, msg='banner\\t', endwith="()", unfilled='-')
banner4 67% (➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢➢-------------------------)
>>> for i in range(500000):
... pla.custom(i, 500000, msg='banner5\\t', endwith="()", theam="@")
banner5 68% (@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@--------------------------)
>>> pla.ExceptionKeyboardInterrupt = True
➢ bar, dotted, hash_ all are similear to arrow. ➢ Some ascii values are not suported by some terminals, use custom function for that kind of issues.
➢ box
➢ arrow
➢ doted
➢ clock
➢ inwords
➢ outwords
➢ custom
➢ ExceptionKeyboardInterrupt = False/True
➢ interval => (int) set intervel to print the loader
To wavering the speed of the program
➢ pre_msg => (str) display the message before loader
➢ post_msg => (str) display the message after loader
➢ color => (str) W => white
R => red
B => blue
G => green
Y => yellow
P => pink like code: \\033[35m
D => disco
the colors displayed according your terminal
color scheam
➢ theam => (list) list of char you want to disply
theam = ("\\", "|", "-", "|", "/", "-")
only in custom
>>> import pyloadart as pla
>>> while (True):
..., pre_msg = "something loading")
something loading ⠽
>>> while (True):
..., post_msg = "something loading")
⠽ something loading
>>> pla.loop.ExceptionKeyboardInterrupt = True
see in github